  • 期刊


Interpretation of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in the Therapy Meaning in Su Shi's Huang-zhou Poems




意義治療 文學治療 儒釋道 宋詩 蘇軾詩


The philosophical thinking of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism is an important source of literary creation, and it has the function of diagnosing civilization when facing contemporary issues. This article uses "the spirit of healing" as the theme to explore the literati's response to difficulties and the treatment of poetry transformation thinking. Healing function. The thesis starts with the meaning-therapy of Confucianism, Prajna- therapy of Buddhism, and Taoist existence-therapy to illustrate the physical and mental settlement of Chinese philosophy. This article uses the theory of Viktor E. Frankl, the founder of the Third Vienna School of Psychology, to explore the pursuit and value of the meaning of life The definition of meaning therapeutics is an attempt to demonstrate the effect of " Logotherapy " on Chinese philosophical classics. Secondly, based on the background of poetic lyric tradition, it explains the manifestation of individual poetry spirit in the group spirit, and explores the dilemma and transformation of Tang and Song poetry during the transition. The thesis finally gives examples of Su-Shi's poems to confirm the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in Song poetry. The integration of thinking is the key element in the transformation of Song poetry. Through active interpretation of therapeutic meaning, it is possible to explore the integration of philosophical thinking and poetic thinking.


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