  • 期刊


On Canon-Formation: Connotation, Standard, and Cultural War


有關經典的形構(canon-formation)是經典閱讀和經典教育的重點,近年來更成為話語權之爭,從文學理論之爭,進而擴及意識形態、文化思潮,翻轉了大學教育的課程設計及教育方向,影響十分重大。本文分成三個主要的部分論述,第一個部分探討「經典」(canon)的詞源及中西對它的定義,並與classic一字作比較;第二個部分則探討經典形構的哲學基礎,以及歷來學者決定經典的標準;第三個部分探討近年來對於經典的形構問題,如何形成論爭,成為話語權的爭奪?甚至有人將之比喻為「文化戰爭」(cultural war)。經典問題的爭論,形成左右兩翼之爭,影響學術研究的理論觀點,以及學校教學及課程設計,使傳統的經典閱讀與經典教育有了完全不同的視野,在當代以及將來,終將成為學術史的大事,值得繼續關注與探討。


Historical narrative and historical interpretation were originally two major elements of historiography. Ancient Chinese and Western historians both have a long and good narrative tradition. Narrative history had long seized the historiographical power before the emergence of scientific history. However, following the 19^(th) century, scientism blossomed out and prevailed in the period of the 20^(th) century, weakening the interconnection among history, rhetoric, and literature, with its nature to advocate truth and precision so as to eliminate the artistry and literalness in historical writing. Recently, some thinkers began to voice different ideas, proposing that history should not be expected to establish truths (or laws) like natural sciences, because history does not have a certain regular movement like objects; instead, historical trends can be tracked, and history has no final interpretation. Thus, history does not abide by the laws of science, so we cannot apply the notion of determinism to the study of history. These arguments help promote the re-emphasis of narrative in history academia. This article focuses on the core concept of narrative, explains how historiography re-emphasizes the superiority of narrative in the middle of the 20th century, and considers the possible impact of this shift on mass culture and history teaching to further offer reference for curriculum planning and teaching practice.


史提夫‧羅傑‧費雪(Steven Roger Fisher)原著,李中文譯,《閱讀的歷史》(台北:五南圖書公司,2013)。
彼得‧布魯克(Peter Brooker)原著,王志弘、李根芳譯,《文化理論詞彙》(台北:巨流圖書有限公司,2004)。
哈洛.卜倫(Harold Bloom)原著,高志仁譯,《西方正典──歷代經典學派上、下二冊》。(台北:立緒文化事業有限公司,2017)。
哈洛.卜倫(Harold Bloom)原著,余君偉、傅士珍、李永平、郭強生、蘇榕譯,《如何讀西方正典》(台北:時報文化出版公司,2002)。
