  • 期刊


Border-crossing literature: A Study of Takio Hosaka, a Japanese litterateur lived in Taiwan during Japanese occupation period




Takio Hosaka is a Japanese litterateur lived in Taiwan during Japanese occupation period, and has been regarded as an outstanding writer by Taiwan literature researcher Toshio Nakajima. Hosaka is famous as a poet, but he also wrote numerous of drama, novel, prose, essay and criticism. In the further, he wrote many expert knowledge based papers about agriculture, Buddhism, tobacco and alcohol. Hosaka's literary works almost focused on Japanese people and Japanese society. He seems not pay close attention to Taiwan. But, when Taiwan Literature and Art Alliance established by Taiwanese writers in 1934, he participated in and showed the sense of identification to this Taiwanese people Alliance. This essay found out Hosaka's life story and experience, and discussed his literacy activities. First, identify Hosaka's several pen names in order to find out his numerous literary works; second, find out his schooling & occupational status through the database of Taiwanese Governor General during the Japanese Period; analyze how he interactive with literature circles in Japan & Taiwan , and how he respond to the literacy trend by his literacy works. This essay indicated that Hosaka's literacy activities showed his complicated feeling as a Japanese litterateur lived in Taiwan during Japanese occupation period. He showed his desire to Japan's culture, but the identification of Taiwan urged him to pay more attention on Taiwan, and further enriched his literacy works and showed us the realistic atmosphere of Taipei modern society in 1930's.


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