  • 期刊

光週期與甲狀腺促進素對玳瑁石斑(Epinephelus megachir)甲狀腺細胞活動之影響

Changes of Photoperiod and Thyroidal Response in Epinephelus megachir


將玳瑁石斑(E. megachir)幼魚(B.W. = 33.30 ± 5.82 g;T.L. = 13.34 ± 0.95 cm)馴養21天後,分五組分別注射(IP.)甲狀腺促進素(bTSH)-每組劑量分別為:0 mI.U.,1 mI.U.,10 mI.U.,100 mI.U.,200 mI.U.,經注射12小時後,分別測試各組魚血中甲狀腺素(thyroxin,T4)之濃度變化。結果顯示,各不同劑量之實驗組均有升高血中T4量之作用,其中注射100 mI.U.之bTSH組的T4含量高達13.54 ± 1.56 ng/ml。又將幼魚分二組,並於每日自上午5時起分別給予不同光週期處理即:光/暗(L/D)=14/10(時)及8/16(時),然後於28天後分別注射bTSH 50 mI.U./尾/天,並於第二次注射後之3,6,12,24,48小時,分別取血樣分析血中甲狀腺素變化及甲狀腺細胞之形態學變化。實驗結果發現,經短日照處理組(L/D=8/16(h)之幼魚,在注射12小時從血中T4濃度顯著上升,達11.15 ± 1.59 ng/ml,而長日照組,(L/D=14/10(h)),雖亦有上升(6.93 ± 0.85 ng/ml),但比起短日照組而言,顯然為低。另在甲狀腺細胞形態之變化上,並發現短日照組魚之濾泡上皮細胞層明顯增厚及濾泡內膠質蛋白之正反應增強,顯示同劑量bTSH之處理,對促進甲狀腺細胞活性之作用,短日照組魚較之長日照組者明顯增加。


The effect of photoperiod on the thyroidal response, measured by plasma concentration of thyroxin(T4). A single injection of 100 mI.U. bTSH significantly (increased) plasma T4 concentration in fishes within 12 hours. Fish exposed to a short photoperiod (L/D = 8/16) respoded to bTSH injection with higher T4 levels than fish exposed to long photoperiod (L/D = 14/10)(P<0.01). After injection of bTSH the cells of thyroid gland have morphological changes. The fish exposed to a short photoperiod which cells of thyroid gland have increase the height of the follicular epithelium but the fish exposed to long photoperiod will not change the cell morphology.
