  • 期刊


Study of Sustainable Use of Gonostegia hirta in Taromak Tribe, Rukai Ethnic Group, Taitung, Taiwan


糯米糰(Gonostegia hirta (Blume) Miquel),是台東達魯瑪克部落居民經常食用之野菜,為目前南島採集館製作野菜水餃的主要材料,用量大。為了使糯米糰野菜資源可持續採集,本研究在海拔600、1000、1400公尺處設置試驗樣區,期望找出兼顧原住民在地經濟發展與生物多樣性保育的永續採集方案,並陸續分為1、2、4、8、16、20週別的採集頻度進行採集,部分樣區在採集時分為不同強度並清除其它地被植物。結果顯示,每隔1、2、4週採集一次的糯米糰採集淨產量均呈現顯著減少,無法永續採集;然而,每隔8、16、20週採集一次的糯米糰採集淨產量均無顯著差異,應可永續採集。無論1週、2週或4週採集一次,刀割處理的採集淨產量比手採嫩葉顯著減少;除草與不除草間亦有顯著差異。在海拔600、1000、1400公尺的採集淨產量均無顯著差異。另外,比較各處理累積20週後的採集淨產量,可得知8週採集一次可得最大累積採集淨產量,其次依序為16週、20週、4週、1週、2週採集一次。而手採嫩葉處理所累積的糯米糰採集淨產量較刀割處理大;海拔600公尺可得最大累積採集淨產量,其次依序為海拔1400公尺、海拔1000公尺,但三者間並無顯著差異。由三種不同海拔之採集後生長速率觀察試驗與糯米糰採集試驗產量結果綜合看來,於海拔600或1000公尺採集時,需間隔8週採集一次;於海拔1400公尺進行採集,約需間隔12週左右,才可能達到永續採集的目的。除此之外,在環境因子部分,進行海拔、伴生植物之覆蓋度與糯米糰覆蓋度的相關測驗均為顯著,而天空遮蔽度與糯米糰覆蓋度的相關測驗則不顯著,另外糯米糰採集量與覆蓋度的相關測驗為顯著。


Gonostegia hirta was the wild vegetable which the Rukai people of Taromak tribe in Taitung ate and was the main consuming material of dumplings in Austronesian Nature Center. For the sustainable resource usage of Gonostegia hirta ,we set up test regions of research at three elevations of 600、1000 and 1400 meters respectively ,and carried out harvesting at harvest frequency of every 1,2,4,8,16,20 weeks. Some parts of the test regions gathering of different intensity were carried out and at the same time coupled with cleaning out other kinds of cover plants. The data shows that the net harvest amount of Gonostegia hirta was significant at harvest frequency of every 1,2,4 weeks, which means it was not a way for sustainable usage. However, at harvest frequency of every 8,16 and 20 weeks ,the net harvest amount was not significant at low、middle、high elevations. The net harvest amount was significantly more reduced by knife than by hands according to the harvest frequency at every 1, 2, 4 weeks. It was different for the reason of whether cleaning out the weeds or not. The net harvest amount was not significant at different elevations of 600, 1000 and 1400 meters and at different harvest frequency of every 8,16 or 20 weeks. From the data, we found that the net harvest amount accumulated within 20 weeks will be obtained the maximum harvest amount of Gonostegia hirta at harvest frequency of every 8 weeks, and then every 16 ,20 ,4 ,1 ,2 weeks in order respectively. The net harvest amount was more accumulated by hands than by knife. In addition, the maximum net harvest amount was obtained at elevations of 600 meters. However, at elevations of 600, 1000 and 1400 meters, there was not significant between 3 different elevations of harvesting. Compared the regression formula derived from the growth rate after harvesting at 3 different elevations with the harvest amount, we demonstrated that it was needed at the harvest frequency of every 8 weeks at elevations of 600 meters, every 8 weeks at elevations of 1000 meters, and every 12 weeks at elevations of 1400 meters to achieve sustainable usage of Gonostegia hirta. Besides, in terms of environmental factors, the results of related tests were significant regardless of elevations, coupling plant coverage and degree of Gonostegia hirta coverage, and the results of related tests between coverage degree of the sky and Gonostegia hirta were not significant; Furthermore, the relationship between the harvest amount of Gonostegia hirta and the coverage degree of it was significant.
