  • 期刊


A Literature Review on Administrative Ethics Studies in Taiwan 1994-2003 - Research Topics, Methods, and Citation Preferences




This is a longitudinal study aimed to find out the change of intellectual structure of administrative ethics studies in Taiwan from 1994 to 2003. This literature review focused on research topics, research methods, and citation preferences. And the research scope narrowed down to the articles published in Taiwan. Major findings were: 1.There were over 50% of the articles categorized to "application of administrative ethics", that is to say, the research community worked on the context of discovery in the first decade, and turned to the context of verification in the last ten years. 2. The research community used to take the theoretical argumentation as an analysis tool, but little worked on empirical study, from 2009 there were much more research took "currently ethical issues" as the unit of analysis. 3. We can easily find out the phenomenon of centrality in administrative ethics studies from the research community citation preferences.
