  • 期刊


Introduction and Discussion of Restorative Criminal Justice in Taiwan


刑事司法處理了大量犯罪,追求犯罪者的正義。然而,傳統僅以犯罪者為主之懲罰式刑事司法(Punitive Justice)思考似已不合時宜,於是關照被害者與修補創傷之修復式正義(Restorative Justice),乃逐漸應運而生。本文介紹修復式刑事司法在我國的興起和推動、修復式司法實施現況、修復式司法的模式、促進者人力培訓、開案標準、案件類型、案件來源、以及執行績效。並以修復式促進者的實務觀點指出我國實施修復式司法的挑戰,包括修復案件數銳減或遞減、道歉與原諒議題、提升調解知能、以及修復式司法入法等議題。最後,期能建立能夠處理犯罪帶來傷害的修復式刑事司法(Restorative Criminal Justice)體系。


Criminal justice deals with a large number of crimes and pursues the justice of the perpetrators. However, traditional punishment criminal justice (punitive justice), which mainly focuses on offenders, seems out of date. Therefore, restorative justice which takes care of the victims has emerged. This article introduces the rise and promotion of restorative justice in our country, the status of restorative justice, the model of restorative justice, the training of facilitators, the standards for opening cases, the types of cases, the sources of cases, and the performance of implementation. Moreover, this article points out the challenges of restorative justice operation, including the reduction of the number of cases, issues of apology and forgiveness, the improvement of the power of mediation, and the legalization of restorative justice. Finally, this study looks forward to the establishment of a restorative criminal justice system.
