  • 期刊


A study of enhancing nurses' knowledge sharing


目的:探討臨床護理人員對醫療機構所推動的真誠與自我奉獻型領導風格,是否會直接或間接影響其個人在自我揭露及知識分享行為上的表現。方法:本研究以方便取樣某家醫院,採隨機取樣抽取90%護理人員作為研究樣本,於2015年5月至7月,共發出396份問卷,有效問卷共計363份,有效樣本回收率91.67%。並以描述性統計、皮爾森相關分析、驗證性因素分析與結構方程模式(SEM)分析變項間的關聯性。結果:護理主管所傳遞出來的自我奉獻型領導氛圍將正向影響直屬臨床護理人員的自我揭露程度(ß=.17, p<.01)並形成完全中介,同時進一步提高其本身知識分享行為的頻率(ß=.38, p<.001);另外,護理主管所展現出來的真誠領導風格將透過臨床護理人員自我揭露的完全中介 (ß=.21, p<.001)進而正向提高其本身知識分享行為的意願(ß=.38, p<.001)。結論:依據本研究結果,建議醫療機構應藉由遴選及情緒管理教育訓練,教導護理主管善用正向情緒關懷下屬,維持良好的「主管-部屬」互動關係。另外,當部門成員形成一種緊密互動的關係,員工彼此信任會使知識在部門內產生快速流動擴散,促進知識積累,而這種情形在重視團隊合作的護理部門最為珍貴。


Objective: The purpose of this research is to evaluate whether the authentic leadership and self-sacrificial leadership, directly and indirectly, influence nurses' self-disclosure and knowledge sharing behavior. Methods: The purposive sampling method was adopted to identify a hospital in Taiwan. In our study, 90% of the nurses were randomly selected to receive a questionnaire. A total of 396 questionnaires were distributed, and 363 valid questionnaires (91.67%) were returned. These were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. Results: 1. Self-disclosure mediated the relationship between self-sacrificial leadership (ß=.17, p<.01) and knowledge sharing behavior (ß=.38, p<.001).; 2. Self-disclosure mediated the relationship between authentic leadership (ß=.21, p<.001) and knowledge sharing behavior (ß=.38, p<.001). Conclusion: The results suggest that hospital leadership needs to be selected and trained on the basis of emotional management. At the same time, This paper identified that, when members had close relationship, their trust provided knowledge diffusion and formed a knowledge network in the department which fostered knowledge accumulation. This is important in nurses' departments where team cooperation is emphasized.
