  • 學位論文


A Study about Knowledge Management and Nursing Competence of the Nurse in Hospital

指導教授 : 吳天方


護理作業是高度專業及知識密集行業,為了維護病人權利與安全,以病人為中心護理理念,護理人員須不斷自我學習與創新,創造優質護理服務,以達到病人滿意,知識管理近幾年已成為重要研究領域,醫療產業也不例外,本研究旨在探討護理人員知識管理與護理能力相關性,分析不同背景變項護理人員知識管理、護理能力差異及相關情形,本研究依相關文獻發展出研究架構及問卷。研究母群體以北、中、南、東部之教學醫院護理人員為問卷對象,發出問卷840 份,回收756 份,有效問卷701 份,可用率達83%,所得資料以次數分配、平均數、百分比、標準差、單因子變異分析、相關分析、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析,研究結果發現: 1.護理人員知識管理與護理能力有顯著正向相關。 2.不同年齡、學歷、年資、護理能力進階層級、醫院層級之護理人員對知識管理認知有顯著差異。 3. 不同年齡、學歷、年資、護理能力進階層級、醫院層級之護理人員對於知識管理現況有顯著差異。 4. 不同年齡、年資、護理能力進階層級、醫院層級、區域位置、屬性之護理人員對整體護理能力有顯著差異。 5.護理人員知識管理程度愈佳則護理能力表現愈高。依據研究結果,提供醫療機構、護理人員、未來研究具體建議及參考。


Nursing care is a profession that depends on knowledge management. To provide patient-centered nursing care and ensure patient safety, nurses must continue professional learning and innovation. Knowledge management is essential to providing nursing care of high quality. The purpose of this study is to describe the current status of knowledge management and nursing competence and to explore their relationship. A self developed structured questionnaire was mailed to a sample of 840 nurses in teaching hospitals in Taiwan. 756 subjects responded and 701 (83%) completed the questionnaire. The statistic methods included descriptive statistics, ANOVA and multiple regressions. The results showed that (1) there is significant difference in nurses’ perception of knowledge management by age, education, practicing years, professional level, and hospital status; (2) there is significant difference in nurses’ status of knowledge management by age, education, practicing years, professional level, and hospital status; (3) there is significant difference in overall nursing competence by age, practicing years, professional level, hospital status, region, and hospital ownership; (4) knowledge management was positively correlated with nursing competence. Clinical implications to both health care organizations and nurses were discussed. We also suggest directions of future studies about knowledge management and nursing competence.


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