  • 會議論文


Study on Indoor Air Quality Investigation and Recognition of Stakeholders in Medical Centers


現代大型建築為民眾上班、居住及休閒等主要活動場所。環保署資料顯示,國人平均每人每天約有90%的時間處於室內的環境中(含辦公及居家時間),故室內空氣品質(Indoor Air Quality, IAQ)的好壞,直接且長期影響人體健康及工作品質。室內空品的好壞與關係人有直接的關係,透過環境教育改變人們思想與行為。本研究針對受檢單位進行CO_2 24小時連續監測,其結果發現,在醫療院所上班日與非上班日CO_2濃度值有明顯的差異,CO_2濃度與場所人口數有明顯之正相關。建議醫療院所在人員進出頻繁之處,建議定期保養及清潔空調系統,並加強通風,增加室內換氣量,以維持良好之室內空氣品質,可有效改善室內空氣品質,否則內部空氣長時間循環易造成污染物的累積,影響身體健康。未來將持續研究醫療院所利害關係人對室內空氣品質觀念、個人認知情況、及探討不同背景(性別、年齡、學歷、職業)概念與認知差異。


Industries are developing and technologies are advancing rapidly, raising living standards. This change in daily life has caused people to stay indoors approximately 90% of the day, and the indoor air quality substantially affects health and work efficiency. The indoor air quality has a direct relationship with the people involved, and changes in people's thinking and behavior through environmental education. In this study, the 24‐hour monitoring of CO_2 was performed in medical centers. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the CO_2 concentrations between the day of work and non‐working day in the medical centers, and there was a significant positive correlation between the CO_2 concentration and the population. It is recommended that the air‐conditioning system should be regularly maintained and cleaned, and ventilation should be enhanced to increase indoor ventilation to keep good indoor air quality. Indoor air quality can be effectively improved. Otherwise, long‐term circulation of internal air can easily lead to the accumulation of pollutants and affect health. In the future, we will keep studying the differences of indoor air quality with concept, personal cognition, and different background (gender, age, education, occupation) of stakeholders for indoor air quality.
