  • 會議論文


The Discussion on the Mode of Value Innovation on Sports and Leisure Industry


教育部體育署於2013年6月提出「體育運動政策白皮書」,三大核心理念之一即為「蓬勃運動產業」。在國民生活型態改變及健康與運 動意識抬頭的今日,臺灣全民運動的時代已經來臨,運動與休閒將成為現代國民日常生活所需,運動與休閒產業與其相關產業將成為我國整體經濟體制的重要環節。本文透過文獻分析法,以Kim & Mauborgne所著之《藍海策略》為論述依據,希望透過策略性的思維,以提升、創造出符合顧客需求的價值為目標,同時也期望降低、消除不必要的成本浪費來制定組織策略,進而建構一套有系統、有效率的價值創新模式,以達成運動休閒產業發展的願景。


The Sports Administration of Ministry of Education proposed "White Paper on Sport Policy" in June, 2013. One of the three main ideas is "booming the sports industry". Because of the change of our nationals' life styles and the awakening of health and exercise, the era of nationwide exercise has come. On the other hand, sports and leisure activities will become daily needs of modern nationals. That is, sports and leisure industry and its related industries will turn into important elements to the overall economic system. In this paper, with literature analysis and on the basis of Kim & Mauborgne's book "Blue Ocean Strategy", its goal is not only to improve and create the value with customer demands by strategic thinking, but also to expect to reduce and eliminate unnecessary waste cost. Furthermore, we can draw up organizational policies and construct a systematic and efficient mode of value innovation to achieve the vision of sports and leisure industry.
