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Utilization of Waste Mushroom Compost for Tomato Production


本試驗以香菇栽培太空包廢渣與農家常見的禽畜糞便、豆粕類、複合肥料等混合製造堆肥,探討其成品特性及施用於田間對土壤的反應與對作物產量和品質影響。試驗結果堆肥材料在C/N=30,水分含量約60%,堆積體積為1.5×1.5×1 m及每10天翻堆通氣條件下,此類香菇栽培太空包廢渣分別與雞糞、牛糞、蓖麻粕、大豆粕、複合肥料混合者,若以C/N降至20以下為腐熟指標,則五種處理於堆積後60天左右可達完全腐熟。再以其製成之堆肥成品含氮量換算番茄栽培氮素推荐量,於番茄定植前畦間挖溝施用,田間覆土後種植番茄,田間試驗結果:秋作番茄產量以混合雞糞處理者每0.1 ha平均生產5,054 kg為最高,比CK增產30.8%,加5號複肥處理者生產4,959 kg次之,比CK增產28.4%,加大豆粕處理者生產4,886 kg再次之,而以CK未處理區生產3,863 kg為最差,春作番茄產量亦以加雞糞處理每0.1 ha生產4,558 kg為最高,加蓖麻粕、大豆粕、加5號複肥處理者次之,比CK增產12.5~14.3%,亦以無處理區CK生產3,773 kg為最差,CK處理因太空包已種過香菇主要養分已被吸收,廢渣中植物養分呈現不足現象及發生嚴重葉黴病致造成低產。番茄甜度秋作平均在4.94~5.25 Brix間,春作平均在4.89~5.25 Brix間,均以CK無處理區甜度較差。施用此類堆肥後,土壤pH及EC值升降互見,但差異顯著;有機質含量均有顯著增加現象,磷肥下降,鉀、鈣、鎂肥有上升趨勢。基於以上結果顯示,適當利用此再製堆肥對土壤肥力有提昇效果,對番茄果實甜度有提昇作用,及植株抗病能力亦有促進效力,足見廢棄物之利用具有很大空間,宜善加利用,以回饋土壤。


香菇堆肥 再利用


The experiment was to study the effect of waste mushroom compost mixed with livestock manure, soybean cake and chemical fertilizer on soil respone, yield and quality of tomato.Compost materials at C/N=30, moisture content is about 60%, volume is 1.5x1.5x1 m, turn over at every 10 days, if mixed with chicken and cattle manures, castor oil extract, soybean cake and chemical fertilizer, 60 days after piling up, the C/N ratio could reduced to the maturation index of about 20. The compost was applied to field before transplanting. Field trial of tomato result indicated that the chicken manure plot have the highest fruit yield of fall crop of 5,054 kg/0.1 ha, which is 30.8% higher than the control plot. Fruit yield in treatment of mushroom compost mixed with 5% compound fertilizer was 4,959 kg/0.1 ha, which is 28.4% higher than control plot, followed by soybean cake plot, which is 4,886 kg/0.1 ha. Result of spring crop of tomato indicated that chicken manure plot have the highest fruit yield, which is 4558 kg/0.1 ha, followed by castor oil extract, soybean cake and compound fertilizer plots, which is 12.5-14.3% higher than that of control plot. Fruit yield of control plot is 3773 kg/0.1 ha. The low yield of control plot is due to the waste compost have low nutrition after growing mushroom and was polluted by miscellaneous fungi. Effect of recycled waste mushroom compost on sugar content of tomato fruit, in fall crop is ranged from 4.94-5.25; in spring crop is franged from 4.89-5.25. Application of compost didn't show any difference in pH and EC value of soil reaction, but the content of organic matter, potassium, calcium and magnesium is increased, while the phosphorous content is declined. In general, the recycled mushroom compost could increase the soil fertility, enhance the yield and quality of tomato fruit, it is recommendable to the production of vegetable crops.


treemushroom compost re-utility


