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台灣花薊馬(Frankliniella intonsa Trybom)在豌豆上之族群密度與防治實驗

Population Density and Control of Frankliniella intonsa on Pea


台灣花薊馬(Frankliniella intonsa Trybom)對豌豆之危害始見於播種後20~35天,其族群密度隨植株之成長而逐漸升高,危害益趨嚴重,於50~70天達到族群高峰,隨環境而異,高溫可促進族群之成長,在發生盛期豌豆之帶蟲株率可達100%。在豌豆植株上,台灣花薊馬之族群密度以豆莢上密度最高,其次為花器及嫩葉。在豌豆品種間,台灣花薊馬之族群密度差異顯著,在台中11號之族群密度約為台中13號之4倍,但在豌豆搭架栽培與匍伏栽培之植株上並無顯著差異。防治薊馬之藥劑篩選結果顯示25.3%美文松(Mevinphos)E.C.、2.8%賽洛寧(Cyhalothrin)E.C.及2.8%畢芬寧(Bifenthrin)E.C.等三種,非但對薊馬具頗佳之防治效果,且在每3~6天採收之豌豆,對消費者無殘毒之慮。此外,測試不同顏色之粘板及水盤誘殺台灣花薊馬,顯示以白色、藍色及黃色之粘板與水盤較具誘引力,而放置於地面上者之捕蟲數顯著地較放置於其他高度者為多。僅使用粘板或水盤誘殺薊馬無法明顯減少薊馬之危害,但若配合藥劑使用,則可提高防治效果。


豌豆 台灣花薊馬 族群密度 防治


The flower thrips, Frankliniella intonsa (trybom) is an important insect pest of pea in Taiwan. Its infestation on pea plants was used to beginning from 20 to 35 days after sowing. The population density of the thrips increased with the development of plants and reached the population peak during the period of flowering or fruiting stage of plant depending on climatic conditions. Higher temperature tend to accelerate the population increase on the plants. On pea plants, the thrips had the highest population on pods, and followed by flower buds and young leave. Their population density differed significantly among the varieties tested. The plants of Taichung 11 had about 4 times higher number of the thrips than that on Taichung 13. However, the population of the thrips between the plants growing with climbing and trellis cultivation were not different significantly. Screening chemicals for control of the thrips showed that the chemicals such as Mevinphos, Cyhalothrin and Bifenthrin were not only effect for control of the thrips but also safety to the consumers of pods harvested at 6-day intervals. Besides, the sticky cards or water-pan in colors of white, blue and yellow showed more attractive to the thrips than those of others, and the traps set on the ground surface had higher catches than those set on higher places. In field conditions, control of the trap with sticky cards or water-pan traps alone could not reduce thrips infestation significantly, however, incorporative use of the traps with chemical applications could further reduce the infestation of the thrips.


pea Frankliniella intonsa population density control
