  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Effect of Continuous Use of Organic Manures on the Growth and Yield of Vegetable Soybean and Cabbage




Continuous use of chemical fertilizers may make the soil pH to go down and soil salinity to go up, and higher rates of chemical fertilizers will make them to go down faster and go up higher. Continuous use of organic manures without chemical fertilizers may maintain the soils under neutral and lower salinity conditions with higher organic matter and increases in some mineral nutrients. The results of plant analysis showed that the manganese in vegetable soybean and the manganese and zinc in cabbage in the organic plots all very significantly decreased to cause the deficiency of manganese or manganese and zinc. Therefore for further promotion of the crop yields it seems to be necessary to apply some manganese for vegetable soybean and manganese and zinc for cabbage. In this experiment, the pod yields of vegetable soybean in the organic plots were only slightly higher than that of the chemical fertilizer plot, and the effect of the compound microorganism EM to vegetable soybean was not significant enough. However, the increases in the yield of cabbage in the organic plots were much higher, especially when the compound microorganisms EM were combined in the manures. Every crop have its own hobby or disgust to the different manures. In this experiment it was found that vegetable soybean is fond of hog manure compost combined with microorganisms but dislike chicken manure compost, and cabbage is a fan to the chicken manure compost combined with microorganisms, and both of them welcome the straw-oil-refuse compost treated with microorganisms.
