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Development of a New Peanut Variety Taichung 1


落花生臺中1號係以彰化縣沿海之大城鄉、芳苑鄉及二林鎮等鄉鎮農家所種植的「立枝仔」地方種族群為親本,於1991年春作及秋作,進行優良單株純系選拔,1992年春作至1993年春作進行優良單株選系生產力之評估試驗,1994年春作至1997年春作進行品系試驗(品系代號為TC 80-75),1998年春作至2000年秋作進行區域試驗(品系代號為臺中選育1號)。此品系由於具大莢、大粒、產量穩定及適合蒸煮鮮食用等特性,於2005年7月21日通過審查,登記為「臺中1號」,商品名為「仁仁」。臺中1號屬維吉尼亞半直立型(Virginia bunch type),生育日數春作平均為125天,秋作約為120天。植株呈半直立型,平均株高春作為40.1 cm,秋作為35.2 cm。葉濃綠色倒卵型,莖呈綠色,花黃色,莢果具尖果喙明顯特徵、中筒型,平均長3.7 cm,寬1.6 cm,百莢重165 g,莢果具網紋,屬二粒莢型。籽粒為長橢扁圓形,平均長1.92 cm,寬1.09 cm,平均千粒重春作652 g,秋作657 g。平均莢果產量春作3,032 kg/ha,秋作2,460 kg/ha;平均籽粒產量春作1,988 kg/ha,秋作1,620 kg/ha。籽粒油份含量春作51.8%,秋作51.7%;蛋白質含量春作27.8%,秋作27.7%。在田間自然發病情形下,銹病與葉斑病罹病等級與對照品種臺南11號無差異。


Taichung 1 is a newly developed variety of peanut (Arachis hypogaea. L.) and released by Taichung Agricultural Improvement and Extension Station, Council of Agriculture in 2005. This variety was derived from a local peanut population ”Lichi-tzae” by using the pure-line selection breeding method. Pure-line selection program was embarked during spring and fall crops in 1991. And the yield trials of selected lines has evaluated through spring crop in 1992 to same crop in 1993. After then the advance yield trials of these newly developed lines were conducted from 1994 to 1997, and Taichung 1 is designation of TC 80-75 join the trials. In addition, Taichug 1 was evaluated in regional yield trials around the island during 1998-2000 for its yield potential and stability under the designation of Taichung Select. 1.Taichung 1 is a virginia bunch plant types peanut variety with semi-erect growth habit and required approximately 125 days and 120 days to harvest in spring and fall crop at Taiwan, respectively. The average plant height is 401 cm and 35.2 cm in spring and fall crop, respectively. Its leaf shape is ovule with dark green color, stem is green and flower color is yellow. The pod shape is medium cylindrical with beaked nature of pod, medium construction and reticulation. Hundred pod weight is approximately 165g. The pod size is 3.7 cm × 1.6 cm. The seed shape is plane oblong, and the seed size is 1.92 cm × 1.09 cm. The thousand seeds weight is 652~657 g. The yield stability of Taichung 1 is superior to the local cultivar, but lower than the check cultivar Tainan 11. The average pod yield of Taichung 1 is 3,032 kg/ha and 2,460 kg/ha, respectively, in spring and fall crop. The kernel yield is 1,988 kg/ha in spring crop and 1,620 kg/ha in fall crop. Oil and crude protein contents are 51.7%~51.8% and 27.7%~27.8%, respectively. The result data of rust and leaf spot diseases spontaneous infection under field condition showed no difference between Taichug 1 and check variety Tainan 11.
