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Pests Population Fluctuation on Eustoma grandiflorum in Central Taiwan and the Study of Management of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)


於彰化縣永靖鄉及北斗鎮設置洋桔梗害蟲調查樣區,以黃、藍、綠3色黏紙與斜紋夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)、甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua)性費洛蒙誘引器調查設施栽培洋桔梗於春植期間之害蟲族群發生動態。調查結果顯示,設施內害蟲主要以銀葉粉蝨(Bemisia argentifolii)及薊馬類(小黃薊馬Scirtothrips dorsalis、臺灣花薊馬Frankliniella intonsa)發生較為嚴重。無論新定植或宿根栽培之洋桔梗,銀葉粉蝨族群密度數量隨洋桔梗生長期而增高,薊馬類害蟲族群則於洋桔梗生長中期達到高峰,兩者族群密度皆於洋桔梗採收前大幅降低。小黃薊馬為目前中部地區洋桔梗之主要害蟲,由於其體積小、擅於躲藏,且世代短、易對化學藥劑發展出抗藥性等特性,致其難以防治。本試驗應用6%高嶺土溶液、11.6%賜諾殺水懸劑2,000倍及超微量噴霧機(Ultra low volume sprayer, ULV)噴灑11.6%賜諾殺水懸劑1,000倍等3種處理,比較各處理對小黃薊馬之防治率;試驗結果顯示,連續施用11.6%賜諾殺水懸劑2,000倍2次的效果最佳,防治率可達99.6%,且與ULV處理組之防治效果無顯著差異,而6%高嶺土溶液對洋桔梗小黃薊馬並無防治效果。


In order to survey the pest occurrence of Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) in central Taiwan, in 2010, we set four experiment areas in Yongjing and Beidou Township, Changhua. We use sticky card traps (yellow, blue, green) and sex pheromone lure of Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera exigua to detect the population fluctuation of pests in the facility cultured spring planting Lisianthus. According to our research, silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii) and thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis, Frankliniella intonsa) were main pests of E. grandiflorum in the facilities. Regardless of new planting or ratoon cropping, population of B. argentifolii were increased with Lisianthus growing, and population of thrips were higher in the medium-term period. Population of both pests was significantly reduced before harvest.S. dorsalis was main pest of Lisianthus in central Taiwan. Because the properties of S. dorsalis, ex. drug resistance, small size, good at hiding, and short generations, due to difficult in management. In the experiment, the three treatments i.e. 6% kaolinite, 11.6% spinosad SC 2,000 times and 11.6% spinosad SC 1,000 times by ULV were designed to compare the control ability of S. dorsalis. The results, indicated that the application of 11.6% spinosad SC 2,000 times twice was the best way to control S. dorsalis, the control rate reached to 99.6%, and no significant difference in treatment by ULV. Application of 6% kaolinite solution has no effect on the control of S. dorsalis in Lisianthus.
