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臺灣地區螺旋粉蝨(Aleurodicus dispersus)(同翅目:粉蝨科)寄生蜂之引進、增殖及釋放

Introduction, Propagation, and Liberation of Two Parasitoids for the Control of Spiraling Whitefly (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in Taiwan


螺旋粉蝨(Aleurodicus disperses Russell)為蔬菜、果樹、糧食作物、觀賞植物、行道樹及森林等之雜食性害蟲。臺灣於1995年12月10日自夏威夷引進海地恩蚜小蜂(Encarsia ?haitiensis Dozier)與哥德恩蚜小蜂(Encarsia guadeloupae Viggiani)各539與40隻,進行螺旋粉蝨之生物防治。兩種寄生蜂經室內檢疫與增殖後,於1996年4月至12月與1997年3月至1998年2月在臺灣中、南部及花東地區,各進行寄生蜂之接種式與增補式釋放,總計釋放海地恩蚜小蜂57,032隻與哥德恩蚜小蜂66,929隻。其中1996年雖在寄生蜂釋放後12~24天或3個月內回收到兩種寄生蜂,惟根據1998與1999年之調查,僅哥德恩蚜小蜂在臺灣立足。至於哥德恩蚜小蜂之發生密度,1997年9月至12月在番石榴上雖維持每葉0.21~0.77個蜂蛹,但螺旋粉蝨第四齡若蟲與成蟲數由每葉0.48隻漸升至3.19隻。1998年9月至1999年6月在聖誕紅、欖仁、威氏鐵莧及穗狀花洋紫荊上,哥德恩蚜小蜂之密度亦僅為螺旋粉蝨密度之0~68%,尤其在屏東縣竹田鄉公路兩旁之聖誕紅,寄生蜂對螺旋粉蝨毫無抑制效果,聖誕紅受害嚴重。文中亦提及螺旋粉蝨及其寄生蜂大量繁殖之流程與方法。


The spiraling whitefly (SWF) (Aleurodicus dispersus Russell), an insect pest of vegetables, fruit trees, food crops, ornamentals, shade trees, and forests, was first discovered in southern Taiwan in 1988. Totals of 539 adults of Encarsia ?haitiensis Dozier and 40 adults of E. guadeloupae Viggiani were introduced from Hawaii to Taiwan on 10 December 1995. After being screened for three generations in a quarantine room at TARI, these parasitoids were field released in central, southern, and eastern Taiwan. Overall, totals of 57,032 adults of E. ?haitiensis and 66,929 adults of E. guadeloupae, respectively, were released as an inoculation from April to December 1996 and as an augmentation from March 1997 to February 1998. These parasitoids were recovered after about 1224 days (except after 3 months at Wufeng) following the first release in 1996. However, field surveys conducted in 1998 and 1999 revealed that only E. guadeloupae had become established. Although the population density of E. guadeloupae reached 0.21 to 0.77 pupae per leaf on Psidium guajava L., the 4th instar nymphs and adults of SWF still increased from 0.48 to 3.19 per leaf from September to December 1997. The population density of E. guadeloupae ranged from 0-68% of that of SWF on Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd., Terminalia catappa Linn., Acalypha wilkesiana Muell.-Arg., and Bauhinia racemosa Lam. from September 1998 to June 1999. The parasitoids were found to be ineffective in controlling SWF on E. pulcherrima along roadsides in Chutien, Pingtung Hsien. The methods and procedures for the mass rearing of SWF and its parasitoids are also presented in this paper.


蔡有方(2014)。臺灣地區茶小綠葉蟬 (半翅目:葉蟬科) 大量飼養與施放之潛力〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00925
