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生物製劑枯草桿菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens WG6-14)對促進菜豆生長之影響

Effects of Bioagent Bacillus amyloliquefaciens WG6-14 on the Growth Promotion and Yield Enhancement of Common Bean


枯草桿菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens WG6-14)生物製劑為中興大學植物病理學系分子植物病理研究室所研發生產之一具拮抗多種病原微生物及促進植物生長之有益微生物製劑,本試驗應用於菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)栽培上,以期能減少苗期病害的損失及增加其產量。利用枯草桿菌浸種菜豆臺中一號種子30分鐘,在稀釋濃度10^6 cfu/ml即可有效抑制菜豆種子上夾雜的真菌數量。溫室試驗利用盆缽栽植菜豆,於種子播種後施用枯草桿菌製劑10^8 cfu/ml 500 ml及混用根瘤菌(Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli)10^6 cfu/ml 10 ml,於種子發芽後調查其發芽率及根瘤數,處理枯草桿菌之發芽率比對照組高兩倍,根瘤數則以混合接種者最高。田間試驗於種子播種後一週以10^8 cfu/ml 500 ml枯草桿菌溶液灌注於土壤中,於第四週調查菜豆植株之園藝性狀,發現處理枯草桿菌者其株高、葉長、葉寬及地上部鮮重皆高於未處理者。而在根系固氮根瘤菌的形成上,處理枯草桿菌者其感染率100%未處理者30%,平均每株根瘤數5.9個也高於未處理者的3個,處理組植體內氮素含量5.09%高於未處理組之3.99%,產量上處理組每株平均0.531 kg高於未處理者之0.368 kg。由結果顯示施用枯草桿菌製劑,除可增加菜豆苗期的發芽率外,並可促使根系固氮根瘤菌的形成,進而使植株在生長、發育及產量上皆優於未處理者。


菜豆 枯草桿菌 根棲細菌


Bacillus amyloliquefaciens WG6-14 have been developed by National Chung Hsing University as a potentional biocontrol agent to the control many pathogens and to the plant growth promotion.In laborary experiment, The B. amyloliquefaciens inoculation with 10^6 cfu/ml on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seed found to be able to inhibit the microbial growth and enhance germination rate of common beaN. Combined inoculation of two organisms B. amyloliquefaciens and Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli showed to increase in nodulation rate. B. amyloliquefaciens inoculation could increase germination rate of common bean seed. In the field test, inoculation of B. amyloliquefaciens showed to the better pereformance in germination rate, nutrient uptake rate, plant height, number of nodules, nodulation rate, nodule weight, pod yield and total biomass of common bean than uninoculated control one.
