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The Analysis of Buckwheat Seed and Leaf Transcriptome


蕎麥(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)屬於蓼科蕎麥屬一年草生作物,蕎麥種子與植株中含有多種有益健康之機能性成份,同時為優良蜜源植物,因此成為世界重要雜糧作物之一。本研究分析蕎麥種子及葉片轉錄體,分別讀取143M及247M條序列,共組裝97,200及74,544條contigs,平均覆蓋率(coverage)分別約為1,474及3,340倍,contig序列平均長度分別為565及607bp,全部拼接完成之序列分別為54M及45M bp。葉片及種子序列混合拼接時,共可獲得106,190條contig,其中屬於種子和葉片者分別為69,043及56,345條,單獨存於種子或葉片者分別為22,587及9,889條。所有組裝成功之contigs進一步與資料庫比對,註解並進行基因功能分類檢索,分別依照細胞組成(cellular component)、生理程序(biological process)及分子功能進行分類。本轉錄體資訊亦與KEGG(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)資料庫比對,完成306個代謝途徑之比對,並針對類黃酮、黃酮與黃酮醇及芸香苷代謝途徑基因加以檢視,本研究同時檢索與種子蛋白質生合成相關基因,包括種子貯存蛋白、LEA protein, cupin家族蛋白及過敏蛋白等基因,這些資訊可提供未來蕎麥栽培育種工作之參考。


Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moencho) is an annual crop belonging to the genus Fagopyrum, Polygonum. Buckwheat contains beneficial components and yield considerable amounts of nectar, therefore it has become one of the most important crops in the world. In this study we surveyed the transcriptome of buckwheat seeds and leaves, 143M and 247M sequence are read and assembled into 97,200 and 74,544 contigs, the average coverage is 1474 and 3340, respectively. Average length of contigs is 565 and 607bp, overall sequence assembled is 54M and 45M bp. When seed and leaf transcriptome are combined, a total of 106,190 contigs are assembled, in which 69,043 and 56,345 contigs belong to seeds and leaf, respectively. Of all the contigs, 22,857 and 9,889 are exclusively exist in seeds and leaves, respectively. After mixed assembling, 27,258 contigs, 25.6% of all assembled contigs, are considered false assembled as the RPKM value is 0 in both seed and leaf transcriptome. The successfully assembled contigs are then blasted with databases and annotated. The gene ontology (GO) is annotated according to cellular component, biological process and molecular functions. The contigs are also blasted with KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) database and results in 306 metabolic pathways data. As the amount of information is tremendous, at the beginning stage we only inspect the metabolic pathway of flavonoids, flavones and flavonol. In the project, we are interested in seed properties include seed storage protein, LEA protein, cupin family and allergenic protein. All the above sequence are sorted and retrieved, which would be valuable for future breeding.


Rutin Allergenic protein Fag e1 Fagopyritol
