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The Development of Newly Japonica Rice Variety "Taichung 195"


臺中195號(Taichung 195, TC195)係由行政院農業委員會臺中區農業改良場於2012年6月育成的稉稻品種,全生育日數在第一期作平均為132天,而第二期作平均為113天;經2年4期作區域試驗中之平均稻穀公頃產量第一期作為7,707 kg,明顯較對照的台稉9號增產13.5%,第二期僅較台稉9號增產1.4%,顯示臺中195號稻穀產量之表現較對照品種台稉9號高產。綜合4次的食味品評,顯示臺中195號米飯的外觀較佳、硬度較軟及總評較佳。此外,臺中195號之抗白背飛蝨表現較台稉9號佳,平均為中抗等級;抗倒伏能力良好且脫粒率中等,適合機械收穫。唯臺中195號於第二期作之耐寒性較弱,需注意第二期作不宜過晚種植;對稻熱病、紋枯病、白葉枯病、縞葉枯病及斑飛蝨等病蟲害並不具良好抗性,栽培時應注意適時防治。


臺中195號 稉稻 育種 米質


Taichung 195, a Japonica rice variety developed by crossing Taikeng 16 with Taikeng 17, has been bred designated and released in June, 2012. The agronomic traits of this variety are: 132 and 113 days of growth duration for the 1st and 2nd cropping seasons, respectively; approximately 96 cm plant height for the 1st and 2nd cropping seasons; 15 spikes in the 1st cropping and 13 spikes in the 2nd cropping season. The average grain yield of Taichung 195 is 7,703 kg/ha in the 1st cropping season and 4,192 kg/ha in the 2nd, which is 13.5% and 1.4% higher than Taikeng 9, respectively. Taichung 195 is resistant to white backed planthoppers, but less resistant to blast, bacterial leaf blight, sheath blight, stripe and brown planthopper. Taichung 195 is considered as a high quality rice variety, it’s eating quality is better than that of Taikeng 9.


Taichung 195 Japonica rice breeding rice quality
