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Development of A Electric Groove Tillage Machine Used in Media Culture


本研究試驗研製一臺電動槽耕鬆土機具,採用直流電動馬達取代汽油引擎的動力源,並把動力分成兩部分:其一為直接傳送到鬆土刀上;另一則藉由鏈輪與鏈條將動力傳送到行走輪上,使機具在耕植槽鬆土時,能自行向前移動與作業。完成之電動槽耕鬆土機具長635 mm、寬390 mm、高500 mm,機體總重為38.5 kgf,可搭配圓盤、刀片及爪式三種鬆土刀進行作業,經試驗結果顯示,採用圓盤式鬆土刀之作業時間可較人工縮短1倍,並且介質團粒殘留率及粗細度分別為8.48%、1.86 mm,達到省工省時之效果。


電動 鬆土機 耕植槽


A electric tillage machine for loosening the media in groove was developed. The electric motor is used to replace gasoline engine as power source. The power was split into two departments: one portion is transferred to tillage blades; the other is transferred to travel wheel. The machine can move and work in the soil trough. The dimensions of the electric groove plow cultivators are length 635 mm, wide 390 mm, height 500 mm, total weight 38.5 kgf, can be equipped with disc, blade and claw type of tillage blades to till soil. The results show that this cultivator for loosening the groove media is twice faster than by labor, the medium grain residual rate and soil particle fineness are 8.48%, 1.86 mm, respectively. The developed electric groove tillage machine is proved to save work time and improve work efficiency.


electric cultivators cultural groove
