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The Evaluation of Fruit Quality and Yield of Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) Cultivated with Different Training Method in Open Field


為瞭解不同整蔓方式對於露天栽培西洋南瓜果實品質及產量之影響,本研究對小果型西洋南瓜‘小黑’、中果型‘栗之藏’及大果型‘黑海’,利用單蔓、雙蔓及不整蔓方式進行栽培試驗。三種西洋南瓜品種之單株著果數皆以雙蔓處理為顯著最高,然以單蔓處理之平均果重、果高、果徑及果肉厚度皆顯著最高。‘栗之藏’雙蔓處理之單株平均果數為3.2粒,‘小黑’及‘黑海’以雙蔓處理之單株平均產量分別為2.1及2.9 kg,皆顯著較單蔓及不整蔓處理者高。果實元素分析顯示,‘小黑’及‘栗之藏’以單蔓處理之果實內P、K含量皆顯著較其餘處理高,其他各元素於處理間皆無顯著差異,‘黑海’以單蔓處理之果實內K含量亦顯著較其餘處理高。三品種以不同整蔓處理,其果實內總可溶性固形物、澱粉及粗蛋白含量於各處理間皆無顯著差異。綜之,西洋南瓜以單蔓栽培可獲最佳之果實品質,以雙蔓栽培可獲最高之產量。


西洋南瓜 露天栽培 整蔓 果實品質 產量


In order to understand the effect of different training methods on the fruit quality and yield of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) in open field, this research uses three pumpkin cultivars of different fruit size as plant material. The cultivar 'Small Black','Li-zhi Zang' and 'Black Sea' refer to small, medium and large fruit size cultivar, respectively. Pumpkin plants are trained to single and double vines during the cultivation period, while non-training as control treatment. The results show that all pumpkin cultivars grown with double vine training method produce significantly more fruits per plant than the other two treatments. However, cultivation with single vine training obtains significantly higher fruit weight, fruit height, fruit diameter and fruit thickness than other treatments. The average number of fruits per plant of 'Li-zhi Zang' with double vines training is 3.2, 'Small Black' and 'Black Sea' cultivated with double vine training acquire higher average yield than the single vine and non-training treatments, the average yield per plant is 2.1 kg and 2.9 kg, respectively. The analysis of fruit nutrition elements shows that the content of P and K in fruits of 'Small Black' and 'Li-zhi Zang' are significantly higher than the other two treatments. The other elements are not significantly different among three treatments. The content of K in 'Black Sea' fruit is also significantly higher than other treatments. The contents of total soluble solids, fiber and protein in fruits of three cultivars exhibit no significant difference among three treatments. The results show that the best pumpkin fruit quality could be achieved by single vine training, while the highest yield by double vine training.
