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Phylogenetic analysis of Israeli acute paralysis virus in Taiwan


以色列急性痲痹病毒(IsraeIi acute psralysis virus, IAPV)屬於Dicistroviridae科的一種小RNA病毒(picona-like virus),曾經被認為與蜂群崩解症候群(Colony collapase disorder)有直接的相關性,因而受到廣泛的關注及研究。本場於苗栗、南投及嘉義蜂場之成蜂中分離到以色列急性痲痹病毒基因片段,大小為473bp,並經定序比對確認無誤。與GeneBank上各國登錄之以色列急性痲痹病毒基因(片段比較),利用Neighbor-joining法進行遺傳歧異度分析,據以繪製演化樹。結果顯示,臺灣以色列急性痲痹病毒與日本及中國的基因相似度高達94~98%。11個以色列急性痲痹病毒基因片段在演化樹上大略可區分為東亞群與歐美群,群間相似度高達94~98%,距離僅0.02~0.03;群外則展現高度的歧異性,相似度37~47%,距離達0.49~0.51,顯示出該基因在演化上的變異性及地域阻隔對病毒演化的影響。


Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) was recognized as picona-like virus, belonging to the family Dicistroviridae. It was close related to colony collapse disorder of honeybees, and was paid an extensive attention and research interest. We isolated the gene fragment of Israeli acute paralysis virus in the apiaries of Miaoli, Chiayi, and Natou in Taiwan, and performed gene sequencing for identification. The gene similarity analysis was performed among 11 IAPV gene fragments, which suggested that IAPV isolated from Taiwan shared 94-98% sequence identity with Japan and China. A phylogenetic analysis was performed using neighbor-joining method among 11 IAPV sequences, which indicated the IAPV genes could be classified as the East Asia and European/American groups. The gene similarity was 94-98%, and the genetic distance was 0.02~0.03 among the group members. However, the high gene diversities were showed between the two groups. The sequence similarity was only 37~47%, which possessed 0.49~0.51 of genetic distance. We proposed IAPV gene was multiple variant in phylogenetic level and the regional separation has great impact on the variation of IAPV genes.
