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Study on selection of tolerance to submergence from germination to seedlings in rice (Oryza sativa L.)


為建立水稻耐淹性及直播稻育種之研發系統,針對臺灣水稻育種種原進行耐淹性之篩選,期得到適合的雜交親本。試驗選定臺中區農業改良場及臺南區農業改良場之水稻育種種原進行篩選材料,以乾穀浸淹篩選158個品種(系)與濕穀浸淹篩選200個品種(系),分別浸淹30公分水深7天~14天後,調查苗高並計算其相對生長速率。試驗結果在乾穀浸淹與濕穀浸淹萌芽稻種尚有存活株分別為17個及15個品種(系),依其不同浸淹時間之相對生長速率達50%以上,再篩除苗高過高或過矮之品種(系),最後選出乾穀浸淹之臺稉14號(TaiKeng 14)、朝紫(Ari Pupura)、Milyang 103、低腳敏黨(Dee Geo Ming Dong)、紅腳糯(Red Waxy Feet)、Kapanto、菊仔(Ju Tsai)、臺稉9號(Taikeng 9)、及LLADD等9個,及濕穀浸淹之關東188 (Kanto 188)、宮香(Miyakaori)、祝賀(Iwaka)、臺東育73號(Taitung yu 73)、櫪木酒14 (Tochigi sake 14)、佐賀1號(Sagagou 1)等6個,可為未來耐淹性或直播稻育種的種原。


水稻 直播 耐淹


In order to find the genetic resources of tolerance to submergence from germination to seedlings for direct-seeding breeding, several Taiwanese rice breeding genetic resources were from Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Stations (DARES) and Taman DARES tested in this study. The dry seed experiment of 158 varieties from Taichung DARES and the germinated seed experiment of 200 varieties from Tainan DARES were conducted under 30 cm depth of submergence condition for 7-14 days, respectively. The seedling height and its relative growth rate at 7-8 days and 12--14 days after submergence were investigated, respectively. There were 17 varieties in the dry seed experiment and 15 varieties in the germinated experiment shown better survival rate. The first selection index was the relative growth rate which should be more than 50% and the second index was considered the seedling height to discard too high or too short ones. There were nine varieties selected as Taikeng 14, Ari Pupura, Milyang 103, Dee Geo Ming Dong, Red Waxy Feet, Kapanto, Ju Tsai, Taikeng 9, and LLADD in the dry seed experiment and Kanto 188, Miyakaori, Iwaka, Taitung yu 73, Tochigi sake 14, and Sagagou 1 in the germinated experiment in this study, respectively. They would be recommended as genetic resources for submergence or direct-seed breeding program in the future.
