  • 期刊


The Exercise-Health Promotion Strategy of Community Elderly in Chiayi City


本文研究目的乃針對現行的樂齡運動健康促進推展之策略進行分析與探討,同時以嘉義市衛生局的運動健康促進計畫爲例,建構「樂齡運動健康促進推展策略」,並提出具體實施成效與建議方案,並擬訂合乎樂齡者的運動指導執行策略。本策略模式建構之方法乃藉由結合嘉義市政府 (官)、財團法人健康促進創新研發自行車中心 (產)、國立中正大學 (學)、民眾志工 (民)、以及社區地方的資源力量 (民) 等在地化社區導入,針對適合樂齡者的功能性體適能檢測與評估,資料統整建構常模與運動介入處方。同時擬訂運動推廣策略,提升樂齡者社會參與率及規律運動之實踐,指導樂齡者正確運動觀念,並藉由代間學習強化樂齡者價值,進而展現全國首創產官學民推動模式。


The purpose of this study was to analyze and discuss the Exercise-health promotion strategies of community elderly in Chiayi City. The exercise-health promotion program in Chiayi Health Department was purposively selected for case study analysis, the interventional effect of the exercise and health promotion strategies in elderly was reported. Furthermore, a comprehensive and successful physical program and strategic model was developed. This health-promoting model was developed through synergizing the efforts and resources from City Health Department (Government organization), National Chung Cheng University (Academic Institute), Chiayi Industry Innovation and Research Center (Industry), Community volunteers and publics (governing bodies of communities). Using the concept of localized aging and inter-generational service, a large population of functional fitness screening and testing for elderly was carried out, data collection was analyzed and the normative data was developed for the reference of exercise prescription for the community-dwelling elderly. Lastly, the community-based physical activity interventions were implemented for elderly from 10 locations in Chiayi city, thus, this exercise health-promoting model was assessed and becoming the first and successful Governmental-academic-industry-community active aging model throughout the nation.
