  • 期刊


The Influence of Different Music Patterns on Archery Performance and Heart Rate Variability in Archers


目的:探討聆聽不同音樂模式對射箭選手射箭成績及心率變異度之影響。方法:本研究以中正大學射箭隊的公開組選手共15位(男生:7人、女生:8人)為研究對象,所有研究對象者皆經過4年以上的射箭訓練。本研究採用平衡次序原則進行三種模式的實驗處理(無音樂、古典樂、自選流行音樂),每次15分鐘,收集最後5分鐘的心率變異度資料,收集資料包括:總功率(TP)、高頻功率(HF)、標準化高頻功率(nHF)、低頻功率(LF)、標準化低頻功率(nLF)及低高頻比(LHR),結束後進行70公尺射箭單局測驗,最後以SPSS 20.0統計分析軟體進行單因子變異數分析,探討三種音樂對射箭表現及心率變異度之影響,並以Pearson相關係數分析射箭成績與心率變異度之相關。結果:本研究發現在射箭成績的部分達顯著差異,古典音樂組(305.6 ± 26.9)顯著優於自選流行音樂組(298.7 ± 34.0, p < .05);心率變異度部分,古典音樂組亦顯著高於自選流行音樂組,TP(1317.3 ± 880.8 vs. 868.8 ± 682.9, p < .05)、HF(442.6 ± 442.3 vs. 262.0 ± 238.4, p < .05)與LF(874.7 ± 611.9 vs. 590.5 ± 491.3, p < .05)。心率變異度部分,無音樂組與古典音樂組亦無顯著差異。此外,射箭成績與總功率、高頻功率及低頻功率,達顯著正相關。結論:射箭前若有聽音樂之習慣,聆聽古典音樂相較於聆聽自選流行音樂,更有助於射箭表現及心率變異度之提升。


古典音樂 反曲弓 心跳率


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of different music patterns on archery performance and heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: Fifteen university archers were recruited as the participants in the study. Randomized, counterbalanced design was used in the study. Participants listened three different types of music (No music, classical music, optional music) for 15 minutes before testing. The data of heart rate variability was collected during last 5 minutes of music listening. The data collected includes Total power (TP), High frequency power (HF), normalization of high-frequency power (nHF), low-frequency power (LF), normalization of low-frequency power (nLF) and LF/HF (LHR). After music listening, the participants performed a 70 meter archery test. The data were processed with SPSS for Windows 20.0, and analyzed by One-Way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Results: In this study, we found that classical music group is significantly higher than optional music group on the archery performance (305.6 ± 26.9 vs. 298.7 ± 34.0, p < .05), TP (1317.3 ± 880.8 vs. 868.8 ± 682.9, p < .05), HF (442.6 ± 442.3 vs. 262.0 ± 238.4, p < .05) and LF (874.7 ± 611.9 vs. 590.5 ± 491.3, p < .05). No music group is lower than classical music group on the archery performance, but no significant difference between the two groups was observed. In HRV, no music group also showed no significant difference in comparison with classical music group (p > .05). In addition, the archery performance are significantly positively correlated with TP, HF and LF. Conclusion: We demonstrated that listening to classical music is more helpful than optional music on the archery performance and heart rate variability.


Music Heart rate Performance Collage student
