  • 學位論文


Exploration of muscle activation in upper limbs during different archery periods

指導教授 : 邱文信


目的:探討不同射箭階段及站姿對上肢肌肉活化及COP晃動面積之差異。方法:以14名男性射箭選手(射箭年資達三年以上)為受試對象(年齡:20.1±2.8歲;身高174.2±5.51公分;體重73.7±8.11公斤),分別以參與者慣用站姿分成平行(7人)及開放(7人)站姿組,並以DELSYS無線肌電圖測量儀(DelsysTrigno® Wireless EMGsystems, Boston, MA, USA, 2000 Hz)收取參與者引弓臂伸腕肌、屈腕肌、肱二頭肌、肱三頭肌與斜方肌之肌肉活化參數;將Zebris足底壓力板至於選手腳下收取COP晃動面積,每位選手以奧運資格賽模式進行(採一局,共射36支箭)。利用無線肌電測量儀內建軟體將肌電原始訊號處理過後,透過MVC肌電訊號標準化,以利與不同參與者比較;COP晃動面積以Zebris內建軟體匯出,再以SPSS 12.0統計套裝軟體進行混合設計二因子變異數分析,比較兩種站姿不同射箭階段(36箭分4個階段)對COP晃動面積之差異及兩種站姿不同射箭階段(36箭分4個階段)對上肢肌肉活化之差異,當統計達顯著水準,以杜凱法進行事後比較,顯著水準皆為α=.05。結果:兩種站姿不同射箭階段在COP晃動面積上無顯著差異。在兩種站姿不同射箭階段上肢肌肉活化上,發現斜方肌第四階肌肉活化高於第三階;屈腕肌開放式站姿第三、四階肌肉活化高於平行式站姿。


EMG 不同站姿 射箭動作 射箭過程


Objective: Exploration of muscle activation in upper limbs as well as the disparity of swaying area of COP during different archery period. Method: Fourteen male archers with more than three year experiences attend this research, and their average age is 20.1±2.8 years old, with average height 174.2±5.51 cm, average weight 73.7±8.11 kg. Square feet stance and open feet stance groups are arranged and each group has seven attenders. Delsys Trigno® Wireless EMG systems, Boston, MA, USA, 2000 Hz is utilized to collect muscle active parameters of bowing arm, especially, extensor carpi, flexor carpi, biceps brachii muscle, triceps brachii muscle, and trapezius muscle. Zebris pressure plate is placed under the feet of attenders to fetch their swaying areas during 4 archery periods. The Olympic qualified mode is conducted in the research, so each attender has 36 shots per round. After using embedded software of the wireless EMG system to process the original EMG, it will be normalized by MVC (maximum voluntary muscle contraction) for comparison. During 4 archery periods of two stances, two-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) is implemented by SPSS 12.0 software to analyze the muscle activation in the upper limbs and the swaying area of COP exported from the software of Zebris. When the statistics reach a significant level α=.05, a posteriori test based on Tukey method is investigated. Results: There is no significant difference in the swaying area of COP during 4 archery periods of both feet stances. The trapezius muscle activation in the upper limbs under both feet stances can be found that its activation during the fourth archery period is higher than that during the third archery period. Furthermore, during the third and fourth archery periods, the flexor carpi muscle activation in the upper limbs under open feet stance is higher than that under square feet stance.


