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The Evaluation of the Potential Available Nutrient and Mineralization Rate of Organic Fertilizers


為了農田能長期使用有機質肥料,消納有機廢棄物且避免過量施用,造成土壤中某些養分含量失衡,而不利作物生長或形成二次污染。必須瞭解有機質可利用性養分潛力(PAN)之大小。要使有機質肥料有效性發揮到最恰當,必須使有機質肥料的養分礦化速率與作物養分吸收速率互相配合。本文目的即在綜合討論目前有關一般有機質可利用性養分潛力及礦化速率之估算方法。有機質肥料可利用性養分潛力之估算方法很多,最常使用者為直接孵育法。此方法為直接添加有機質於土壤中孵育,再定期採樣分析土壤中無機養分含量之變化,以估算養分的礦化量。惟此方法耗時較久,有學者採用化學分析法,利用特別化學抽出劑,萃取有機質肥料成分,作為估算可利用性養分潛力的指標。化學分析指標法雖較為快速簡便,然而至今尚無一萃取法能滿足各種有機質肥料之評估,因此尚須進一步探討其準確性,並應考慮實際應用於田間的實用性。有許多研究報告試驗證明,由一次反應式dY / dt = -kY能應用於估算有機質肥料之礦化速率。由於有機質中含有不同分解速率之化合物成分,所以用多階反應程式(multiple-term)來描述有機質之分解應該比較符合有機質中含有不同化合物成分之反應。但是如何把有機質各種組合成分分開測定其分解速率,或者在不同組合成分混合一起情況下,只要由某一特定成分代表即可,仍有待深入探討。因此,針對有機質中可礦化有機組成分發展適當化學分析指標法,並據以估算其可利用性養分潛力及礦化速率,是未來研究有機廢棄物處理的重要方向之一。


礦化潛能 礦化速率


The use of organic wastes as organic fertilizer resources to apply to farmland has been increasingly recognized as a feasible method in waste managements. In order to maintain the farmland in arable conditions and avoid the secondary pollution after long-term application of wastes, the element contents of wastes should be controlled under safety requirements. The most efficient way to use organic fertilizers was to know their PAN (potentially available nutrient) and manage their mineralization rates to meet the amounts of nutrients needed for crops. The purpose of this article was to review papers concerning the methods in estimating the rate of mineralization of organic fertilizers. Incubation of organic fertilizers in soils was the most common method to estimate their PAN values, but its time-consuming character prompted the developing of chemical extracting methods for quick evaluation. The principle of chemical extracting method is to extract the part of organic fertilizers which is readily mineralized in a crop season after applied to fields. However, none of a single chemical extracting method was satisfied in the wide ranges of organic fertilizers. A good method should consider both in precision and practicality. It is necessary to modify a PAN value given from laboratory results to field situations. Single-term models (dY / dt = -kY) have been verified in good performances in estimating the mineralization rate of organic fertilizers, although multiple-term models including other chemical and physical properties may estimate more precisely. The measurements of parameters used in multiple-term models some were quite complicated, so in practice, the most precise model was not necessary the best one. Therefore the future efforts should concentrate on developing a chemical extracting method which can evaluate the value of PAN and its mineralization rate simultaneously.


