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The Physiological Fruit Dropping and Reducing Methods in Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) Production




Persimmon has significant alternative bearing behavior, which results in unstable yield. The most possibility to alternative bearing is physiological fruit drops. There are 2 to 3 high peaks in the persimmon physiological fruit drops and divides into two stages: early fruit drops and late fruit drops. Early fruit-drop also calls ”June drops”, and it comes after flowering 20 to 30 days, during the shoots are great growing and consuming the reserve. The fruits drop in this stage abscising with calyx and leaving the stalks only. Late fruit-drop, which fruits drop cause by the abscisic layer between fruits and calyx, begins at the time just before fruit maturation. The degree of physiological fruit drops are influenced by the ability of parthenocarpy, light intensity during flowering and fruit setting stage, the soil water content, and the nitrogen content of the tree. The light intensity after flowering affects the production and utilizing of the photosynthesis products, and also affects the viability of the pollination vectors. The nitrogen content affects the growth of shoots. High nitrogen content induces vegetative growth and causes large fruit-dropping. The moderate nitrogen fertilizing, artificial pollination, increasing the viability of pollination vectors, girdling, and the utilizing of the growth regulators can reduce the physiological fruit drops.

