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Ecological Studies and Control of Pear Psylla


2004 年在梨山地區調查中國梨木蝨的棲群變動,結果顯示成蟲分別於5、7、9月及11月底各出現一個高峰期,其中以9月及11月底的高峰期蟲口密度較高。另於台中縣大雪山15K、梨山、松茂以及環山等地,調查中國梨木蝨之產卵習性,結果顯示,中國梨木蝨主要產卵在葉面中脈(58.2∼100%),其次是葉緣(0∼39.2%),而在葉面產卵者甚少,僅於梨山一梨園發現。以四種不同顏色粘紙誘殺中國梨木蝨成蟲,結果顯示,夏季型成蟲及冬季型成蟲,均以黃色粘紙之誘殺效果為最佳(平均4.2及5.6隻/張,15天);其次是綠色粘紙(平均2.2及4.5隻/張,15天);而以藍色粘紙的誘殺效果為最差(平均0.3及1.2隻/張,15天)。


中國梨木蝨 消長 產卵習性 誘殺


A survey made in 2004 of population fluctuation in Li-Shan area showed that adults of pear psylla peaked in late May, July, September and November, with the last two months having higher population density than the first two. An additional survey in Da-Shiue mountain, Li-Shan, Sung-Mau and Huan-Shan in Taichung county revealed that pear psylla laid its eggs primarily on foliar mid-veins (58.2 -100%), and leaf edges (0 -39.2%), with very few deposited on foliar surfaces as observed only in one pear orchard in Li-Shan. In the trapping experiment, yellow sticky paper was the most effective for both summer- and winter-type adult psylla (average trapping and killing of 4.2 and 5.6 insects/sheet/15 days), followed by green sticky paper (2.2 and 4.5 insects/sheet/15 days), with blue sticky paper the least effective (0.3 and 1.2 insects/sheet/15 days).
