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The Outbreak Prediction of Rice Diseases and Insect Pests and the Field Test Plans


民國五十年代以後糧食增產為國家重要政策,當時水稻病蟲害發生種類繁多、發生程度又極嚴重。是時發生重要病蟲害包括稻熱病、紋枯病、黃萎病、二化螟、褐飛蝨、瘤野螟等,對稻作生產構成嚴重威脅。有鑑於此,當時的臺灣省農林廳於民國55年奉農復會指示,成立全省性水稻病蟲害發生預測制度;其宗旨欲藉由田間調查,早期發現病蟲之發生種類,掌握發生趨勢,實施有效之經濟防冶措施,以期減少病蟲害對水稻造成危害。民國55年7月全省水稻病蟲害發生預測系統正式成立,於農林廳所屬各區農業改良場設置預測員48員;同時成立(一)省級稻作病蟲害發生預測工作輔導小組—負責策劃工作之推進;另 由各農業相關單位指派代表組織工作輔導。(二)區工作聯繫小組—以各區農業改良場為預測中心,負責加強預測資料收集和預測情報傳遞,加強輔導農民改進病蟲害防治工作。隨著科技進步及國家經濟快速發展,農藥的使用已成為農業生產的重要技術;相關新農藥開發之田間試驗,長期以來己成為植保同仁之另一任務。完善的田間試驗規劃是農藥效果試驗成功的關鍵,供試田區內目標有害病、蟲發生與否,發生程度輕重均足以影響供試藥劑能否突顯其優劣特性;因此對照不施藥區標的病、蟲害發生程度輕重往往成為評估藥效的重要指標。試驗田的選定是決定試驗成功的關鍵。可於標的病蟲害發生地區病蟲害發生初期選定試驗田,或事先選地營造有利於標的病、蟲害發生的環境,實施接蟲、接菌等措施,使樣區內病蟲均勻發生。為促使試驗田蟲害發生,亦可從田間管理著手,如加施氮肥以引誘成蟲產卵、撲殺天敵、田埂堆積稻草、田邊預留雜草、培養蟲源等;病害則可從營造環境、寄主、病原菌等三方向管理著手;一般而言,選擇過去發生嚴重田區,栽培感病品種,實施病原接種,並多施氮肥以減弱植株的抗病能力均有益於試驗的成功。文中將針對水稻稻熱病、紋枯病、白葉枯病、二化螟及瘤野螟等有害病蟲之田間試驗規劃加以闡述。


水稻 病蟲害 預測 試驗


The increase of rice production was important policy of our country in 1960s. At that time, a lot of diseases and insect pests, included rice blast, sheath blight, rice yellow dwarf, rice stem borer, brown plant-hopper and rice leaf roller, etc., damaged the growth of rice plants and reduced the production of rice. Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Taiwan Provincial Government established the outbreak prediction system of rice diseases and insect pests around the island of Taiwan in 1966. The aim of this system wish to through the field investigation to understand the kinds and population dynamics of occurred pests for the practice of economic control to reduce the rice damage caused from diseases and insect pests. The application of pesticides has become the important technique for agricultural production as company with the improvement of science technology and the development of national economy. The field tests of related newly developed pesticides have been proceed by the members of plant protection in agricultural stations. The key point to achieve the effectiveness of pesticide tests were the best field test plans. Those depend on the occurrence and abundance of target diseases and insect pests will show the advantage of the tested pesticides. It could be set up a better environment for the propagation of target pests through a variety of practices for the even occurrence or distribution of them among the sampled areas. In this article, the preparation practices for field tests of rice blast, sheath blight, bacterial leaf blight, stem borer and rice leaf roller, etc. were well statements.


rice diseases and insect pests prediction test
