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Research and Integrated Management of Organic Banana Production System


香蕉(Musa sapientum L.)是國際貿易上交易量最大的水果商品,也是世界上最大眾化的水果。在民國五十年代,臺灣香蕉外銷量曾經高達34.4百萬箱(12.5公斤/箱),在日本香蕉市場的佔有率高達九成,民國100年,外銷量已不到1.0百萬箱,由土生性病原菌感染引發的香蕉黃葉病(Fusarium wilt)是導致臺灣香蕉產業衰退的主要原因之一。強調土壤品質管理的有機農業正在扮演農業永續生產的主流,台灣香蕉研究所自民國84年起進行有機香蕉栽培管理研究與生產,體認香蕉生產採行有機農法管理較其它農作物相對易行,此外,透過有機農法作好土壤品質管理,以抑制土生性病原菌對香蕉植株之威脅,可大幅降低香蕉黃葉病罹病率,是對抗香蕉黃葉病的最佳策略。臺灣有機香蕉的栽培品種以華蕉系(Cavendish, AAA)品種為主,南華蕉(Pisang awak, ABB)居次,前者多種植於高屏之平地蕉園,後者則多分佈於嘉義及南投之山坡地區。通過有機驗證(含有機轉型期)並登記有香蕉品項的農地面積約為100公頃,實際種植有機香蕉的面積則不到50公頃。有機香蕉的主要銷售管道包含消費合作社、有機商店、超市、分裝業者及加工業者等通路。建立臺灣有機香蕉產業須採行大面積栽培並開發外銷市場是必要的條件。




Bananas (Musa sapientum L.) are the main fruit in the international trade and the most popular one in the world. In the 1960s, the quantity of Taiwan export bananas peaked at 34.4 million cartons a year (12.5 kg per carton) which accounted for an occupation rate of ninety percent in the Japanese markets, as compared to less than 1.0 million cartons in 2011. Fusarium wilt of bananas infected by soil-borne disease Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense of race 4 was one of the main causes for the huge decline in the banana export industry. Organic agriculture that highlights the importance of soil quality management is now playing an important role in the world's sustainable agricultural production. The Taiwan Banana Research Institute (TBRI) has launched researches and productions of organic bananas since 1995 and found out that adoption of organic farming system in banana plantation made banana production management relatively more feasible in comparison with many other crops. Results from the researches also showed that organic farming was an effective strategy to cope with the Fusarium wilt for the fact that good soil quality resulting from organic farming tended to slow down the threat of Fusarium wilt and reduce the damage due to the disease incidence in banana production.Cavendish (AAA) is the major cultivar planted in organic banana orchards, followed by Pisang awak (ABB). The former is primarily grown in the southern lowland regions of Kaohsiung and Pingtung, the latter in the highlands of Nantou and Chiayi. The total area of certified organic farms including transitional farms that have bananas registered as product may approximately amount to one hundred hectares according to our survey. In fact, the area that planting bananas could be less than fifty hectares. The majority of organic bananas are sold to consumers through the distributions of consumers' cooperatives, organic stores, supermarkets, re-packers, food processing, etc. To develop the organic banana industry in Taiwan, the establishments of large-scale banana plantations and export markets are two essentials.




