

洋桔梗品種的種原有3種,由於分佈緯度廣,原生地溫度環境差異大,因此品種間育苗的適溫不相同,在商業育苗前需先進行種子發芽試驗。洋桔梗為光發芽種子,播種期需有3000 lux以上的光強度,播種介質以能提供固/液/氣相為1/1/1的環境較佳。洋桔梗生長過程中遭遇逆境會進入簇生化生長,對於逆境最敏感時期為生長至2~3節,也就是實生苗即將出售到定植的時期。此期間避免遭遇缺水、高溫(30℃以上)、低溫(15℃以下)、短日等。根活性高的種苗比較不易因逆境而簇生化。建議播種作業為:1.種子發芽試驗;2.準備理想栽培介質;3.播種後2-4週6∼10℃暗環境、8週光環境(3,000 lux以上),日溫低於30℃,夜溫低於20℃。夏季栽培(7月播種苗)建議用大穴格培養10週齡的種苗定植。


種子發芽試驗 溫度 光度 介質 簇生化 穴盤苗


"Eustoma" cultivars are developed from three species, which distribute in a wide area with various temperature environment. Therefore, the suitable temperature for each cultivar is different. It is necessary to test seed germination before sawing. "Eustoma" is a light requirement for seed germination, the least light intensity is more than 3000 lux. The medium which provides solid/liquid/gas phases as well as 1/1/1 in volume is better. Stress environment results in rosette "Eustoma". The sensitive stage is between the period from developing 2_(nd) node to 3_(rd) node. In other words, the period is between selling seedlings to planting. During this period, seedlings keep from dry out, high temperature(higher than 30℃ ), low temperature(lower than 20℃ ), short days and etc. "Eustomas" with higher root activity are more tolerance to stress environment. The SOP for propagating "Eustoma" is in the following: 1. Seed germination test, 2. Prepare ideal medium, 3. After sawing: 6-10℃ dark environment for 2-4 wks, than light environment (more than 3000 lux), day temperature lower than 30℃, night temperature lower than 20℃ . In summer (sawing in July), the seedling sawing in larger plug and 10-wk-oid is recommended.

