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The Research of Improving Cut Flower Quality of "Eustoma Grandiflorum"


洋桔梗(Eustoma grandifl orum(Raf) Shinn)為龍膽科草本花卉,英文名Eustoma,Lisianthus或Texas Bluebell。提高洋桔梗切花品質之研究主要包括六大部份:(一)洋桔梗畦面覆蓋試驗(二)品種性狀調查及資訊建立(三)摘心對洋桔梗切花分枝性影響(四)電照對洋桔梗品質之影響(五)遮光處理對洋桔梗品質之影響(六)植物生長調節劑對洋桔梗生長之影響。藉由畦面覆蓋栽培方式,改變目前洋桔梗傳統之栽培方式,有效抑制雜草發生、降低生產成本與勞力之支出,提高切花品質並養成農民用藥、施肥之紀錄習慣。搜集各品種洋桔梗進行性狀及品質調查、建立種源資訊,以利栽培者及消費者參考。進行摘心試驗,試驗目的為增加花朵數及分枝性,提高洋桔梗切花單枝份量感,以加值切花商品價值,秋冬季洋桔梗栽培生育期間時有光照不足、低溫,以致洋桔梗生育不良、造成花苞數不足、消蕾等問題,故探討夜間電照對洋桔梗植株生育及切花品質之影響,期能改善冬季生育狀況,應用電照技術提高切花品質、產期調節。洋桔梗在臺灣周年均可栽培,但夏季所生產的切花品質不佳,洋桔梗生長過程易受溫度影響,且洋桔梗為相對性長日植物,夏季高溫下易使洋桔梗植株提早由營養生長轉為生殖生長,使莖長變短,降低切花品質。為避免因溫度熱累積造成不良影響,故探討定植初期遮光的時間、不同遮光率遮光網、遮光方式及遮光網材質,做一系列探討等,並試驗研究植物生長調節劑激勃素改善採收後二次花生育情形,提供農民栽培時參考使用。


"Eustoma grandiflorum" (Raf.) Shinn is one of ornamental plant of "Gentianaceae" family, also called Lisianthus or Texas Bluebell. The research of improving "Eustoma" cut flower quality includes mulching, pinching, lighting, shading, and spraying plant growth regulators. Besides, we also build up the cultivar information database. The mulching technique is to improve current traditional cultivation method of "E. grandiflorum". Mulch can restrain weeds growing and reduce production cost as well as labor expense. In the same time, mulch also helps growers build up the habit of recording the pesticides and fertilizer usage. The objective of pinch treatment is to increase flowers number and branches for improving the quality and the commercial value of one cut flower. Pinch treatment may be one of the methods to adjust the production time and improve the cut flower quality. "E. grandiflorum" cultivated in winter and spring of Taiwan often encounter insufficient light that causes flora bud abortion and retarded growth. Night break lighting of mercury HID lamp on "E. grandiflorum" improved cut flower quality in autumn and winter of Taiwan. The strong light intensity with higher indoor temperature found in the local "Eustoma" greenhouse which resulted to the worse plant growth performance in humid summer. Therefore, we investigated the plant growth performance and cut flower quality impacted both by different shading methods on "E. grandiflorum". In addition, we also research the improvement of bolting rate of lateral bud after harvesting via plant growth regulator's treatment.
