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Research on the Introduction of Bacillus Agent Preparation into Organic and Eco-friendly Farming Disease Management


有機農業與友善環境耕作是國內所推行的重要農業政策之一,兩者最大的共通點在於栽培過程中,全程不使用化學農藥與化學肥料。然而,台灣因地理位置的關係,作物病蟲害相複雜,有機栽培與友善環境耕作面臨多種的挑戰與考驗。因此,農友需使用替代化學藥劑的生物防治資材進行作物病蟲害的管理,其中微生物- 芽孢桿菌製劑包含蘇力菌、枯草桿菌、蕈狀芽孢桿菌與液化澱粉芽孢桿菌等商品,施用於田間可以降低病蟲害的發生與干擾。本研究利用以篩選之2種液化澱粉芽孢桿菌Tcba05及Tcb43菌株,產製成水懸劑後,進行蔬菜露菌病、甘藍黑腐病及瓜類白粉病之病害防治評估試驗,經多次的葉部噴施,可以有效地降低病害的發生及罹病度。此外,應用此兩種芽孢桿菌製劑分別以灌根及葉噴方式搭配其他有機防治資材導入夏季有機番茄栽培體系中,可以顯著提升番茄產量,並建構一套適合夏季有機番茄的栽培模式,提供給農友們參考。


Organic agriculture and eco-friendly farming are one of the important agricultural policies promoted in Taiwan. The commonality between the two is that do not use chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers throughout the cultivation process. However, due to the geographical location of Taiwan, crop pests and diseases are complicated, and the organic cultivation and eco-friendly environmental farming would face many challenges and tests. Therefore, farmers need to use the biological control materials of alternative chemical agents to management crop pests and diseases. Application of the Bacillus spp. microbial agents include commodities such as B. thuringiensis, B. subtilis, B. mycoides and B. amyloliquefaciens, which can be reduced the occurrence and disease severity of pests and diseases. In this study, we used two kinds of B. amyloliquefaciens included Tcba05 and Tcb43 strains were screened already and produce suspension concentrates, and evaluated the disease control test of vegetable downy mildew, cabbage black rot disease and melon powdery mildew disease was carried out. It could effectively reduce the occurrence of diseases severity. In addition, the application of these two Bacillus sp. agents to the summer organic tomato cultivation system by root irrigation and leaf spray combined with other organic pest and disease control materials, it can significantly increase the tomato yield and construct a mode suitable for summer organic tomatoes cultivation for farmers.
