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Development and Application of Eco-Friendly Products for Plant Protection


農作物的健康管理措施,可決定農產品的品質安全與環境生態的和諧,因此,嘗試研發植物源、微生物源及天然生化的植物保護製劑產品,作為作物病蟲害綜合管理的主要手段,是現代農業永續發展努力追求的目標。近年來,台灣的植病學者採用植物源資材,研發的植物保健產品案例有:(一)以高麗菜下位葉、菸渣及荷格蘭養液製成「CH100植物健素(中興一百)」,可有效防治韮菜銹病、梅黑星病、李白粉病、茄子紅蜘蛛,並可促進蔬菜種苗生長健壯;(二)以五倍子、薑黃、仙草及山奈等植物萃取液調配成「活力能」植物保護製劑,可有效防治作物炭疽病;(三)利用微奈米乳化技術,將植物油乳化製成的產品,如「葵無露」和「大豆油乳化劑」,可有效防治作物白粉病與露菌病;「辣木油乳化劑」可防治草莓蚜蟲。此外,利用菜籽粕、藻酸鈉、甘油及Pseudomonas boreopolis製成PBGG粒劑,可有效防治白菜立枯病(Rhizoctonia solani)的發生。從作物根系的土壤或堆肥分離微生物,經過系列分析與安全評估後,迄今已將枯草桿菌(Bacillus subtilis)、液化澱粉芽孢桿菌(B. amyloliquefaciens)、蘇力菌(B. thuringiensis)、蕈狀芽孢桿菌(B. mycoides)、稠李鏈黴菌(Streptomyces padanus)、及木黴菌(Trichoderma harzianum)等開發製成各種劑型的微生物源植物保護製劑(生物農藥、生物肥料)。在田間施用上述各產品後,已證明它們有預防或治療不同作物病蟲害的功效。在作物栽培體系中,運用植物保健產品前,農友須掌握下列四項原則,才能有效控制作物病蟲害的發生。即(一)明瞭植物害物(pests)的生活規律;(二)確認植物保健產品的主要功效與機理;(三)熟悉植物害物的傳播與感染途徑;(四)重視田間衛生管理,減少病蟲害的族群密度。


An integrated use of environmentally friendly products into plant pest management could help us to meet the goal of sustainable agriculture. Development of botanical, microbial and biochemical pesticides is one of the most promising strategies against plant diseases and pests. Several plant-derived products have been developed and used to control plant diseases (1) "CH100" product containing extracts of cabbage and tobacco and Hoagland's solution has been shown to promote the growth of vegetable seedlings and effectively control rust of Chinese chive, black spot of Japanese apricot, powdery mildew of plum, and mites on eggplants. (2) "Huo-li-neng" is a natural plant protectant made of extracts of Chinese sumac, turmeric, mesona, and white ginger, and could effectively control anthracnose of plants. (3) Emulsified sunflower oil and soybean oil could control powdery mildew and downy mildew. Emulsified moringa oil could control aphids on strawberry. (4) Granulate biofungicide PBGG containing Pseudomonas boreopolis, Brassica seed meal, glycerin and sodium alginate could reduce cabbage infection by Rhizoctonia solani AG-4. Until now, many microbes have been isolated from rhizosphere and compost, analyzed, passed through safety evaluation, and developed into biofertilizers and biopesticides with various formulations to control plant pests and diseases. Those microbes include Bacillus subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. thuringiensis, B. mycoides, Streptomyces padanus and Trichoderma harzianum. To better manage the pests and diseases, the following guidelines for the use of plant protection products are suggested. Farmers have to: (1) understand the lifecycle of the pests and diseases; (2) know the effect and mechanism of the plant protection products; (3) know the transmission and infection pathways of the pests and diseases; and (4) use field health management approaches to decrease the densities of pests and diseases. [This work is supported in part by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C. under the Higher Education Sprout Project]
