  • 期刊


A Study on Park Accessibility Planning from the Viewpoint of Barrier Free for Aging Society


背 景:公園綠地是都市開放空間中最重要且易於接近的日常休憩場所,過去公園綠地建設過度重視空間樣式與設施建設,造成空間切割、動線不連續、過度裝飾等可及性低、不易使用或有安全疑慮之使用障礙。理想的無障礙環境設計包含了日常生活、工作、求學與休閒活動上所可能遭受到的障礙的克服,目前城市生活外部空間之活動使用仍缺乏無障礙設計要求與使用品質。目 的:近年高齡化社會現象更產生「看護照料」與「在地養老」之迫切需求,基於公園綠地的使用對於高齡者的「身心健康」與「社交活動」具有明顯效益,實有必要針對現行公園及其通路之課題進行檢討,以提出符合高齡社會發展之公園通路規劃。方 法:本研究回顧臺灣高齡化社會之活動需求,彙整分析中國、日本及美國的無障礙政策與法令規章,提出高齡社會公園通路規劃之課題。結 果:在公園使用連續且順暢化的目標下,擬具通路系統所需包含的各式人行路徑與公園出入口、主要動線、主要活動設施區,以及轉運接駁之停車場及大眾運輸場站之無障礙設計規範建議。應 用:期望政府單位能以示範街區之通路改造逐步推動,使城市生活的移動與休閒網絡可以提供更多行動不便者的友善環境,促成開放空間的高度公共性,以因應高齡化社會的快速來臨


Background: Urban parks are one of the most needed and easily accessible public spaces. In the past, space style and construction have been over emphasized in urban parks, which makes the parks not very accessible to disables. Ever since Taiwan has become a developed country, accessibility has become one of the main focuses in designing an urban park. An ideal design includes considerations for possible access difficulties in daily life, work, schooling, and mobility.Goal: Aging society has become one of the main issues in Taiwan. Based on the many benefits to the old population provided by urban parks, it is necessary to discuss the accessibility to the old population in existing parks and provide suggestions for establishing planning principles and design guidelines for accesses appropriate in Taiwan.Methods: This study reviews the policies used in Taiwan and other countries regarding to the needs in an aging society, and uses the case of Japan Tokyo area as an example.Results: With the objective of building a park with accessibility, provide a plan for constructing routes, entrances, and exits that connect main areas, as well as public parking and transportation without access difficulty.Application: The government is expected, with the examples of redevelopment of streets, to gradually improve public space to provide friendly environment for disables and people of advanced age.


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