  • 期刊


The Establishment of Assessment Indicators for Interior Decoration Project Management


背景:目前大多數的工程管理多為直接探討施工中的營建管理或品質管理,卻忽略整體規劃設計及監造的專案管理。目的:本研究主要探討專案工程管理應用於室內裝修工程的策略與方法。方法:利用文獻回顧進行問卷設計及意見調查,以德菲法(Delphi)與層級程序分析法(AHP:AnalysisHierarchy Process)進行評估。結果:室內裝修工程專案管理的重要因子如第二層次的三大構面依權重排列為工程與品質管理,專案規劃管理,決策與流程管理。整體層級分析第三層的評估要素前五名依序排列為品質管理週全,專案規劃符合計畫需求,能有效進行風險評估,介面整合順暢,能有效提出解決方案。結論/實務應用:研究成果可提供工程業者參考使用,並可建構一個整合系統,以便在工程專案中進行資訊的收集與分析。


Background: Most construction management focuses on the quality management during the construction period but overlooks project management in the planning and design as well as supervision stages. Purposes: This research is aimed to study how to apply the project management to the interior decoration engineering project. Methods: Literature review and questionnaire survey were performed to establish the optimum model and strategy for interior decoration project management. Delphi method and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP: Analysis Hierarchy Process) were also applied to identify the key factors in interior decoration project management. Results: An important factor in interior decoration project management, as the second level of the three facets is engineering and quality management, project planning and management, decision-making and process management. The overall level of analysis to assess the elements of the third layer of the top five is comprehensive quality management, project planning in line with program needs, effective risk assessment, smooth interface integration, propose effective solutions. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Through the project management, integration of various technical and financial resource and suitable decision-making, cost will be reduced and good quality will be obtained for inferior decoration engineering project.


