  • 期刊


Music Educators Friedrich Wieck's Education Philosop


德國音樂教育家菲德里希‧維克(Fliedrich Wieck,1785-1873)一生僅接受過六小時正統音樂教育,但卻憑一己之力將女兒克拉拉‧維克(Clara Wieck,1819-1896)教育成19世紀最著名的天才女鋼琴家。由於女兒在音樂上的成功,使維克聲名大噪,成為知名的音樂教育家,其獨特結合身心靈的基礎教育方式亦因此廣受囑目。維克晚年將畢生教育心得整理成冊,公諸於世,其鋼琴練習方法亦經由子女之手加以整理,付梓發行。由於維克教育理念的成功,促使本研究探討身為宗教家的維克如何將其宗教精神融入音樂教學及其特殊基礎訓練中,並闡述其教學系統。筆者期盼以此彰顯基礎教育對音樂教育的重要性,希望對音樂學習者之學習與音樂教育者追求更完美的教學方法皆有所幫助。


維克 鋼琴 聲樂 愛彌兒


Friedrich Wieck, the music educator in Germany, has been educated by formal music education for only six hours. Nevertheless, he taught his daughter Clara Wieck on his own and finally made her one of the most talent female pianists in 19th century. Due to the success of Clara in music, Wieck himself then became well-known with his unique methods for fundamental music education which fuse body, mind, and soul. The rest of his life, Wieck compiled all his experience and thought of education in his life time and made them public; his skill of piano practice was also been arranged and published by his daughters and sons.Based in the success of the education philosophy of Wieck, his education system and the way that Wieck, as a religionist, integrated the religious spirits into music education and the specific fundamental training, are discussed thoroughly in this study. In additions, through manifesting the importance of fundamental education, this study might help music learners and educators to accomplish their learning and teaching goals.


Wieck Clavier Gesang Emil
