  • 期刊


An Exploration on Chi-Feng Sun's Lifestyle Analysis




This paper mainly adopts text analysis to explore the lifestyle of Chi-Feng Sun, a great scholar in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Mr. Sun has a noble character whose charisma affects a great many. The academy he established is fair and honest, and genuine by nature. It will do Confucianism good. He is eligible to be enshrined in the Confucius Temple. This paper summarized the Mr. Sun's lifestyle into seven parts. I. Life attitude by living a humble life. II. The ethics of friendship by giving a helping hand to those in need. III. The principle of life to be generous and gentle. VI. An open-minded academic position. V. Self-discipline to act freely and keep practicing. VI. Spirit of education to clarify the truth and make the world a better place. VII. The ideas of life and death that once acquired and there is nothing more to be left behind. These are the lifestyle full of life experience and the wisdom of life, which is worthy of being cherished and learned from.


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明‧顧憲成,《小心齋箚記》,臺北:廣文書局,1975 年出版。
清‧王先謙,《莊子集解》,北京:中華書局,1999 年12 月出版。
清‧王先謙,《荀子集解》,臺中:普天出版社,1966 年出版。

