  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Filial and Rebellious Image of Nezha in "The Romance of the Gods"




哪吒 封神演義 逆子 孝子 卵生


Nezha is an important deity in Taiwan's folk beliefs. In recent years, Nezha's image has been combined with modern elements and has developed a different style. The story of Nezha originated very early. However, the main source of the image of Nezha today is the Ming Dynasty Zhanghui novel. Recorded in "Feng Shen Yanyi". Examining the story of Ne Zha in "The Romance of the Gods", I know that Ne Zha's image is obviously different from the other characters in the book. His image can be regarded as a rebellious son in the traditional society. The relationship between Ne Zha and his father Li Jing is full of tension. Conflict with. Compared with the description of other characters in "Feng Shen Yanyi", it is very unique. Therefore, when "Fengshen Yanyi" portrays Nezha's character, it first describes from the point of view of rebelliousness as a result of previous stories. This part is not much different, but if we further analyze the image of Nezha in "Fengshen Kingdom", It can be found that although it is cut from the angle of inverse son, it often shows the behavior of filial son at the key point. The image description of Nezha is conflicted and contradictory. Therefore, this article intends to understand the following directions. One is the analysis of the image of Nezha in "Feng Shen Yan Yi". The second is the image and evolution of Nezha in The Romance of the Gods. The third is the meaning represented by the images of Nezha Nizi and Dutiful Son.


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《山海經箋疏》晉.郭璞注,清.郝懿行箋疏臺北:中華書局,1966 年
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《封神演義》明.陸西星撰,鍾柏敬評,楊宗瑩校訂,繆天華校閱臺北:三民書局,1991 年
