  • 期刊

The Role of Expectations Regarding Aging in the Relationship between Resilience and Quality of life in Older Adults



Aim: The study aims to investigate the relationship between resilience and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among community-dwelling elders and confirm the mediating role of expectations regarding aging (ERA) on the links between resilience and HRQoL. Methods: A convenient sample of 458 elders was recruited from a retired activity center in Tangshan City. A face-to-face interview method was carried out to get information about socio-demographic detail, ERA, resilience, and HRQoL. The outcome variable HRQoL was evaluated by the Physical and Mental Component Summary score (PCS-12, MCS-12). The mediating effect of resilience was calculated by regression analysis. Results: ERA has a positive impact on HRQoL (β = 0.303, p < 0.001) among community dwelling elders. The mediating effect of ERA between resilience and HRQoL was confirmed (a*b bootstrapped 95% confidence interval = [0.098, 0.257]). Conclusions: Resilience has a direct and indirect effect on HRQoL. ERA was found to play a mediate role between resilience and HRQoL. The structural model provides a new perspective on understanding the mechanism of resilience on HRQoL. And ERA should be considered significantly to improve the HRQoL of elders.


目的:本研究旨在調查社區老年人的復原力與健康相關生活質量(HRQoL)之間的關係,並驗證老化期望(ERA)在復原力與生活質量之間的中介作用。方法:從中國唐山市某退休活動中心,以方便抽取458名老年人作為樣本。採用面對面訪談的方法獲取老年人人口學資料、老化期望、復原力和生活質量信息。生活質量(HRQoL)通過生理和心理結局評分(PCS-12, MCS-12)進行評估,通過回歸分析評價復原力的中介作用。結果:老化期望對社區老年人的生活質量有正向影響(β=0.303,p<0.001),老化期望在復原力和生活質量之間的中介作用(95%置信區間=[0.098, 0.257])。結論:復原力對生活質量有直接和間接的影響,老化期望在復原力和生活質量之間起中介作用,提高老年人的老化期望能夠提高老年人的生活質量。


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