  • 期刊


Applying Acupuncture to the Acute Stage of Intracranial Hemorrhage with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Elevated: A Case Report


一位68歲的男性,右側殼核(putamen nuclei)區域出血性腦中風發作後,左側肢體無力併吞嚥困難和失語症。中風第8天,右腦的血塊擴大併意識改變,昏迷指數Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS)從14降到11。第11天,C-Reactive Protein(CRP)升高至22.14mg/dL,當日針灸取穴:太衝(LR-3),內庭(ST-44),陰陵泉(SP-9),三陰交(SP-6),合谷(LI-4),曲池(LI-11)。3天後,CRP降為7.65 mg/dL,但患者肝指數呈現升高情形(AST=130 U/L,ALT=164 U/L),繼續維持「瀉太衝、內庭,補陰陵泉、三陰交」的治療模式,又3天後,CRP降為1.56 mg/dL,AST=58 U/L,ALT=109 U/L,患者意識清楚,GCS回到15,後續配合復健和繼續針灸治療,中風第31天拔除鼻胃管,可由口進食且語言表達可溝通理解。


A 68 year-old male, onset intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) at right putamen nuclei region with left hemiplegia, dysphagia and aphasia. On the 8^(th) day of onset, CT showed a mild progression of right thalamic ICH with mild midline shift, with Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score changed from 14(E4V4M6) to 11(E3V3M5). On the 11^(th) day, C-Reactive Protein (CRP) raised to 22.14mg/dL, then we applied traditional acupuncture on the acupoints: LR-3, ST-44, SP-9, SP-6, LI-4, and LI-11. Three days after acupuncture, CRP lowered to 7.65 mg/dL however AST/ALT raised to 130/164 U/ L. We kept the same acupuncture protocols, with 3 sessions per week. Another 3 days later, CRP lowered to 1.56 mg/dL and AST/ ALT lowered to 58/109 U/L with a GCS score of 15(E4V5M6). The patient kept acupuncture sessions and regular rehabilitation programs, on the 31^(st) day of onset, the nasogastric tube was removed, and the patient's swallow and verbal function was generally recovered.


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王奐 之,2015, 出血 性中 風簡 介,https://www.hch.gov.tw/hch/MedicalTeams/HealthEducationDetail.aspx?MNO=C004&ID=6411 ,搜尋日期:2021 年 4 月 7 日。
