  • 期刊


Explorations in the Sociology of Dance


本論文希望經由簡介舞蹈社會學之發展、相關理論與分析法,以及《雲門舞集》為例之個案研究,引導讀者進入舞蹈社會學之領域。本論文分為五部分,其中第一部分為導論。第二部分「舞蹈社會學之發展與演變」:評述舞蹈社會學之發展,並簡介與舞蹈社會學有關的理論與方法。第三部分「舞蹈社會學分析法初探」:試圖建構一個適合研究《雲門舞集》舞碼的研究法。運用的方法包含:檔案資料研究法(May 1997,Layson 1986),舞蹈社會學分析法(Thomas 1986),劇場舞蹈符號學理論(Zelinger 1979),舞蹈結構分析法(Adshead 1988,Sanchez-Colberg 1992)以及深層描述法(Geertz 1973)。第四部分「《雲門舞集》舞碼(1973-1997)民族文化元素演化之社會文化意義」:分析《雲門舞集》舞碼之風格演變,並且從後殖民移民文化的角度詮釋《雲門舞集》舞碼中民族文化元素演化之社會文化意義。最後在「結論」部分,研究者總結本研究發現。經由《雲門舞集》為例之個案研究,本研究發現舞蹈本身即反映出社會在傳統與現代、本地與外來意識型態間複雜微妙的競爭。研究者認為舞蹈社會學的理論與研究方法,有助於研究者探討舞蹈在台灣島內後殖民移民社會中的意義。


This paper explores the characteristics of the sociology of dance through an introduction on the development of the sociology of dance, its related theories and methods, and a case study on the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre. Five sections constitute the enquiry: (1) the introduction, (2) the evolvement of the sociology of dance, (3) the exploration in the methodology of the sociology of dance, (4) the socio-cultural significance of the evolution of the ethno-cultural characters of the Cloud Gate repertoire, (5) the conclusion. Section two commentates the development of the sociology of dance, its related theories and methods. Section three proposes to establish a research methodology for the sociological analysis of dance, with specific relevance to the Cloud Gate repertoire, which incorporates methods originating in documentary research (May 1997, Layson 1986), sociology of dance (Thomas 1986), semiotics of theatre dance (Zelinger 1979), dance structural analysis (Adshead 1988, Sanchez-Colberg 1992) and 'thick description' (Geertz 1973). Section four interprets the significance of the evolution of the ethno-cultural characters of the Cloud Gate repertoire (1973-1997) form the diasporic postcolonial perspective. The analysis of the Cloud Gate repertoire demonstrates that dance can be studied alone as a reflection of society's struggle between traditional and modern, indigenous and foreign ideologies. It is believed that the application of theories and methods of the sociology of dance is beneficial to the understanding of the significance of dance in a diasporic postcolonial society in Taiwan.



