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Cases for the Enforcement in Intellectual Property Right in Taiwan


進入知識經濟的時代,面對全球化的競爭,「知識」已成為決勝的關鍵,智慧財產之所在,往往就是最重要的經濟利益來源,權利一旦遭受侵害及可能面對龐大之損失,而司法救濟儼然成為保護智慧財產的最後一道防線。面對國內外對智慧財產在法院之量刑迭有質疑,本文就九十三年之智慧財產權刑事案件提出相關數據,研究結果顯示地檢署偵查終結近五千件,其中三成七由檢察官提起公訴。地院一共終結2,123件智財刑事案件,得提起上訴的案件中有二成對判決不服提起上訴。著作權案件的判決中17.1%獲無罪判決,超過八成遭定罪,裁判結果82.5%科以有期徒刑,12.6%拘役,4.9%處以罰金。商標案件無罪占4.2%,有罪者多科以有期徒刑及拘役,分占45.9%、49.8%,罰金之比率僅4.3%,惟觀察得易科罰金占科刑之比率為94.1%,顯示儘管被告大多受有期徒刑或拘役之宣判,得易科罰金之比率仍高。九十三年之確定案件,違反著作權法者,自繫屬法院至判決確定平均費時11.3個月始能確定,量刑集中在六月以下有期徒刑。商標,平均費時3.3個月確定,確定裁判宣告刑集中在拘役(50.6%)與六月以下有期徒刑(43.6%),兩項已合占全數之94.2%。檢視美國對於智慧財產權的科刑,2002年美國134位被告中,有43.3%屬自由刑(Any prison),緩刑(Probation)占56%,科以罰金(Fine only)之比率僅占0.7%;為利兩國之比較,經調整我國2004年地方法院第一審之判決,有67.4%科以自由刑,28.5%處以緩刑,罰金占4.1%。相較之下,我國緩刑之比率明顯較美國為低,就此若美國要指責我國量刑過輕,恐讓人有證據不夠充分的疑慮。


At the present time when information technology has become the essential edge in the global competition for about anything, knowledge is definitely of crucial factor in determining the success or failure of the business entity. Consequently, seeking legal terms to protect intellectual property right is the only viable option left.According to the statistic number provided by the criminal court in Taiwan in 2004 with regards to cases involved in breaching the intellectual property rights, the district attorney has filed charges close to five thousand cases against violators where 37 percent of those were being prosecuted. Twenty percent out of those who were not satisfied with the verdicts have chosen to file for a higher court. However, out of those twenty percent who filed for higher court, 82.5 percent were convicted as guilty.The duration the court took to prosecute the violation in intellectual property right in Taiwan is 11.3 months, for the case of trade mark is 3.3 months. The verdict being handed out in the United States of America for violating the intellectual property right is as follows for the year of 2002; 43.3 percent were sentenced to serve at the prison, 56 percent were at probation and only 0.7 percent were fined. Comparing to the verdict being passed to the violators in Taiwan in 2004, 67.4 percent were sentenced to prison, 28.5 percent were at probation and 4.1 percent were fined. Based on the above statistics, one can clearly acknowledges the fact that the sentencing terms in Taiwan is much harsher than the ones in the States.


Intellectual Property Trade Mark Probation Prison


