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Elegant Speech Research of Taiwanese Traditional Wedding Facilitators




傳統婚俗 婚禮 講好話 貺辭 吉祥話 四句聯


Marriage rituals play an important role since ancient Chinese society. It is not only shoulder the important mission of the proliferation of life, more is given the order to be extended to maintain the important task of the society and the country. Therefore, in the unique natural and historical conditions, the development of a special marriage ritual is to fulfill the correct marriage relationship. The traditional weddings rites were derived from ancient China, about can be divided into three stages: rituals before, during and after the wedding ceremony. In general, the ”before and during” portion consists of the two key processes of forming the marital relationship and most of them are originated from Zhou Dynasty's ”Six Rituals”, as documented in ”Lee-Chih, Section of When-I”, ”Engage, name-checking, formal engagement, monetary engagement, date-selection, actual wedding rituals”.The Taiwanese traditional wedding rituals indicated in this research were under the influence of the said ”Six Rituals”. The ”Elegant speech” is part of process during the wedding ceremony, and delivered by many honored guests, to speak some special rhymes and poems, in order to give their best kind regards to the wedding couple. As time goes by, it has formed a unique cultural asset. The social cultural implications behind those ”good words” are worth further studying and understanding.
