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Redevelopment of Cultural Creative Industry in a Hakka Community: The Research on Establishing Industrial Cultural Corridor in Baoshan Township, Hsinchu County


北台灣許多客家聚落多位於丘陵地以農產業為主的地區,在目前文化創意產業盛行發展的當下,如何從傳統產業為主的聚落產業,重新形塑不同於都市型文創產業的類型發展,乃為值得深思的課題。寶山鄉位於全國客家人口最多的新竹縣,屬「高密度」客家人口集居鄉鎮,而綜觀其歷史發展脈絡、聚落與整體產業發展演變,均建構出充滿客家精神的客家農村聚落與客家生活文化典型。寶山鄉歷來產業發展與居民生活息息相關,現有產業特色包括三大類:(一)古老產業-囊括傳統稻米生產與碾米產業、燒炭業、甘蔗與製糖產業、桂竹手工產業;(二)特色文創產業-包含禮品與蠟藝產業、文創藝術產業;(三)特色農產品產業。透過本「產業文化廊道」的建置規劃研究,以全面性的觀點來思考寶山鄉的產業文化,包括整合寶山鄉產業的歷史發展脈絡,以串連過去的產業記憶與現在的產業;透過產業的普查,整理寶山鄉「有形」與「無形」產業文化景觀,建構產業文化發展的基礎;並透過多元化產業的連結,活化與再造產業,創造未來發展願景。經由寶山鄉產業再造規劃設計策略的研擬,達到以下幾項成果:1. 建立地方客家產業文化政策發展策略。2. 提升客庄生活環境品質及文化產業。3. 再造客庄生態環境景觀。4. 推廣客家產業文化教育。


It is a worthy topic to think of the development of Cultural Creative Industry in rural area which is distinguished from urban type. This research took a Hakka Community Baoshan Township in Hsinchu County as an example to study the strategies of redeveloping Cultural Creative Industry for rural type.Baoshan Township, a Hakka village in northern Taiwan, has been developed mainly with agriculture. However, it is developed with other type of industries in addition to agriculture for recent years. The Establishment of industrial cultural corridor in Baoshan Township consists of four effects to redevelop the Cultural Creative Industry in a Hakka rural village: (1) Building the strategies of developing Hakka industrial culture-policies; (2) upgrading the quality of Hakka environment and cultural industries; (3) reconstructing the Hakka ecological environment; (4) popularizing the education of Hakka industrial cultures.


