  • 期刊


South Korea's FTA Strategy and its Implications for Economic Integration in Northeast Asia


進入21世紀以來,影響國際關係的五大主要變數為國際關係經貿化、世界經濟區塊化、中國崛起、中美兩強競合與南北國家經濟競合。在此背景下,韓國的對外貿易政策亦因而做出調整,先是將政策的焦點從過去以多邊貿易自由化為主轉變到以雙邊自由貿易協定(free trade agreement, 簡稱FTA)為主,從謹慎小心的FTA策略轉變為積極主動而大膽的FTA策略。本文主旨即在從剖析韓國FTA策略轉變的軌跡及其對東北亞經濟整合的影響,首先將羅列出當前國際關係五大特徵,繼而剖析韓國FTA策略轉變的經過,如何因應國際環境變遷而做出調整,並點出從金大中(Kim Dae-jung)開始至朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye),每個總統時期的FTA策略特色、政策背景,並評估其成效,終而討論東北亞經濟整合的現況與韓國FTA策略的關連性及其對所面臨的挑戰與未來展望。


With the advent of the 21st century, five major characteristics can be identified in world politics, namely economization of international relations, regionalization of world economy, rising China, Sino-US cooperation and competition as well as North-South economic cooperation and competition. Against this background, South Korea's foreign trade policy has made adjustments accordingly, shifting its focus from multilateral trade liberalization to bilateral free trade agreements (FTA), from a careful FTA approach to a proactive and bold approach. This paper intends to assess the locus of South Korea's FTA strategy and its impacts on economic integration in Northeast Asia. It begins with identifying five major characteristics of current international relations, then exploring the evolution of South Korea's FTA strategy and how the country has responded to changing international environment through trade policy adjustments from Kim Dae-jung to Park Geun-hye Governments, features of each government's FTA approach and policy background as well as achievements, and finally discussing the status quo of economic integration in Northeast Asia and implications for Taiwan.


