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The Study of Elderly to Participate in Recreational Activities in the Health-Promoting Lifestyle


人類平均壽命不斷延長,人口老化已成為世界各國一致的趨勢,更成為全球的普世現象,在這一波全球灰色化浪潮中臺灣也逐漸邁入高齡社會。由於臺灣人口平均壽命延長、伴隨生育率下降、老化指數速度相對加快,衝擊著我國未來的社會環境結構。面對超高齡社會即將來臨,如何使老化成為人生正面的經驗,讓高齡者同時具備持續健康、休閒活動參與及安全的生活,是促進健康老化提高生活品質的最佳方法。本研究主要目的在瞭解樂齡學習中心高齡者參與休閒活動和健康促進生活型態之間的關係及影響為何?本研究之研究動機主要是基於研究者對高齡者參與休閒活動的體察、研究者想要瞭解高齡者參與休閒活動對健康促進生活型態的影響。為達研究目的與問題,本研究採用問卷調查法,以台中市八所樂齡學習中心的高齡學習者為抽樣調查對象,蒐集實證資料進行分析探討;研究研究結果與發現:(1)樂齡學習中心的高齡者在休閒活動的參與達到顯著水準,女性高齡者在娛樂性、運動性、社交性、技藝性顯著高於男性高齡者;(2)年齡在「55 歲至59」的高齡者在休閒活動的參與程度上顯著高「80 歲以上」的高齡者;(3)樂齡學習中心高齡者休閒活動和健康促進生活型態呈正相關。(4)樂齡學習中心高齡者其休閒活動對健康促進生活型態具有預測力。綜合研究結果與發現,提出具體的建議提供政府及樂齡學習相關單位以及高齡者參考。


The average life expectancy has been increasing, aging population has become a world trend consistent and more to become the world's universal phenomenon, in this wave of the global wave of gray in Taiwan have gradually entered the aging society. Since the average life expectancy of the population of Taiwan, accompanied by declining fertility, the aging index relative to accelerate the speed, the impact of the social environment, the structure of the future. The face of the coming of the upcoming super-aged society, how to make aging become a positive life experience, so that the elderly along with continued health, leisure activity participation and secure life, is the best way to promote healthy aging to improve the quality of life. The main purpose of this study to understand the learning centers elderly seniors to participate in recreational activities and health-promoting relationships between lifestyle and the effects are? The main motivation of this study is based researchers elderly participation in leisure activities to observe, the researchers want to understand the impact the elderly to participate in recreational activities on the health-promoting lifestyle. To achieve the research objectives and questions, this study used questionnaires, Taichung eight seniors elderly learner learning center sample survey to collect empirical data were analyzed to explore; research findings and found that: (1) elderly seniors learning centers participating in leisure activities reached a significant level, elderly women in entertainment, sport, sociability, significantly higher than the male sex skills elderly; (2) the age of "55 years to 59" of elderly people in the degree of participation in leisure activities significantly higher "over 80 years" in the elderly; (3) seniors learning Centre elderly leisure activities and health promoting lifestyles were positively correlated; (4) Seniors Learning Centre elderly leisure activities and health promoting lifestyles were positively correlated; Based on the findings and found that concrete proposals to provide government and seniors to learn the relevant units and elderly reference.


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周佳妮(2016)。長期照護與日間照護資訊系統之 架構與建立〔碩士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0003-2007201614000000
