  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

How Perceptual Uncertainty Affects Idea Sketching?


In this study, we argue that if perceptual features guide part-by-part sketches, it might play a role in non-part-by-part sketches as well. The recalled or imagined objects are generally reproduced in terms of a geometrical, structural, object model, during idea sketching. This behavior was modified when visualizing parts having multiple functionality - as evidenced by a tendency to recall multifunctional parts in a more geometrically fragmented manner. The results show that there are six drawing strategies, Proximity, Synchronic processing, Saccadic distraction, Tip characteristic distraction, Illustrating angle selection and, Intentional selection when parts are produced non-part-by-part. 45% of drawing strategy in non-part-by-part were used Proximity, which appears to be associated with a shift between the drawing of a part and spatially contiguous parts. 29% of non-part-by-part drawing were observed in synchronic processing, that participants tend to divide their attention to deal with more than one part at the same time.
